I have a question, more business related.
I know that even a top writer like Alan Moore has a day job that actually pays the bills.
Really? I find that hard to believe.
Can someone actually make a living just writing comics? Do you have a day job? If you do, what is it?
Many people make a living just writing comics. I've been a full-time writer since September 1990, and I worry more about meeting the deadlines than paying the mortgage.
In general how much do comic writers actual make a year from comics?
You don't have to say how much you make, if you think that is too personal, you can just say on average.
I have no idea what the average is, but even if we knew what it was, it'd be a meaningless number, like figuring out what the average novelist makes. There is no "average novelist salary" in the sense that there's, say, an "average Q/A overseer salary." Writers are freelancers, and their compensation varies widely both due to how popular they are and how much they turn out.