Was it just me, Mr. Busiek, or did you have greater respect for the Avengers than the JLA in JLA/Avengers. It seemed to me the Avengers were portrayed as the generally better and more effective team, Superman beating Thor notwithstanding.
I hear from some Marvel fans that I was clearly biased toward DC, and must have been being paid under the table to make Marvel look bad. I hear from some DC fans that I was clearly biased toward Marvel, and must not know o care enough about DC to write those characters "right."
As such, I figure I probably got it right...
Also, would you please answer if you truly have a soft spot for Wanda? She always seems to be portrayed -- too! -- well in relation to the other Avengers. What is your take on the Scarlet Witch and her development from just a mutant to a genuine witch who occasionally seems to eclipse Odin and Thor?
I like her quite a bit as a character. I don't think she's ever eclipsed Odin or Thor.