Basically, Uncle Mxy, you're saying Clark returns to a meeker, more introspective personality which harkens back to the saner Pre Crisis elements of Clark Kent.
Just by putting on the costume and even pretending to be a normal joe, Clark will have to be "meeker" than Superman. But he also can do things that a Superman can't do -- take a break, visit a friend without a mob following him, etc. In my ideal world, Clark should be as liberating in some ways as Superman, just different ways. There's a lot of focus on how Clark acts or doesn't act, less focus on what specific things really motivate him. I remember how Maggin's Clark has a hobby of collecting amusing TV commercials. Why wouldn't Clark have a real hobby, just something that he couldn't easily express as Superman?
But keeping him Byrned in personality clearly makes it impossible for him to have a worthwhile dichotomy to make the Lois/Clark/Superman triangle work.
Agreed. Poor Lois has to pick between two super guys to be with. One flies and saves the earth on a regular basis, the other is a Pulitzer Prize winning football stud. They both look alike, though one would look better if he wore contact lenses or got Lasik, maybe did his hair a little different.
Since you chose to bring up the leadership aspect, let me comment further on that.
The one significant difference between Superman and Clark Kent after the Byrning was Superman is a natural leader while Clark Kent is not. Otherwise, we'd see everyone reflexively deferring to Clark in situations, his boss, parents, or otherwise. Kent would be a leading force perhaps running the Daily Planet or having carved out an empire like Luthor did. The only way this works is if Kal-El is deliberately holding back any leadership qualities as Clark Kent while feeling free to express them as Superman. In this one regard, Byrned Clark Kent cannot be Byrned Superman and, indeed, Superman is closer to the real man in this regard.
Exactly! How much does earthly ambition mean to a guy who is as rich, famous, and admired as he wants to be, and then some? But the opposite of "ambitious" isn't necessarily "meek" -- more like "slacker". Now "slacker Superman" is amusing as a Red K accident (I liked that L&C episode!). But I was thinking something akin to the lead character Peter from the movie Office Space, post-hypnosis. He does what he wants to do and is surreally self-assured, but he's not exactly "ambitious".
Just the same, in all other regards, Superman is just Clark in a costume free to use his super-powers. His personality is basically the same so the great dichotomy really is irrelevant Post Crisis.
Therefore, marrying Byrned Clark off makes no difference to a dynamic that is nonexistent.
I agree. I just think that the split between Supes and Clark should flow from "what does Kal-El wnat to do". Most of pre-Crisis Clark's personality elements were solely about how to quick-change into Superman. If I were Kal-El, it seems like I would put myself in a better position to do that. Have Clark be a freelance journalist for the Planet rather than a regular staffer, refusing that regular job offer for scooping Lois on Superman, but always hanging around at the Planet ('cause he's got the hots for Lois, naturally). Why would he do such a thing? Well, that's a mystery for Lois. Have both Clark and Superman be "mystery men" to Lois -- each somewhat two-dimensional, but when you put it together then he becomes three-dimensional.