I have a question, more business related.
I know that even a top writer like Alan Moore has a day job that actually pays the bills.
Really? I find that hard to believe.
here is a quote:
Lying In The Gutters reports that Alan Moore, author of such extraordinary comics like V For Vendetta, Watchmen, From Hell, League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Top Ten and Promethea is hopping mad at Warner Brothers and he isn’t going to take it anymore.
Moore has choosen to publically disassociate himself from the movie adaptation of V for Vendetta, which the Wachowski brothers are "writing" and producing, and disputes claims of support made by Joel Silver. In retaliation, he has also pulled the League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen comic book series from Warner owned DC Comics, and is handing it to two small press publishers in the US and the UK.
Earlier in the year, Moore received a call from "V For Vendetta" writer/producer and "Matrix" director Larry Wachowski, but told him politely, "I didn’t want anything to do with films and had no time this year, being in the middle of work, my day job, writing, I wasn’t interested in Hollywood."
Shortly afterwards, Alan Moore was made aware of a press release sent out covering a press conference producer Joel Silver and the cast had held.
In this press release, Joel Silver, as well as announcing that the release date November the 5th 2005 was the 100th anniversary of Guy Fawkes attempt on Parliament, instead of the 400th anniversary, also said of Alan, "he was very excited about what Larry had to say and Larry sent the script, so we hope to see him sometime before we’re in the UK. We’d just like him to know what we’re doing and to be involved in what we’re trying to do together"
Alan felt, basically, that his name was being used in vain. Not only had he expressed the opposite to Larry, but his endorsement was being used as a selling point for a movie - the reason he’d requested his credit and association be dropped from all of these movies.
It is sad to see Moore’s work being so poorly represented on film, but Hollywood’s inability to make good stories is one reason that the comic book industry is still thriving.
It is also worth noting that Moore has been forsaking his option money for and distributing it to the other creators of the original comics who otherwise would not be getting anything from Hollywood.
And on a final note here is how good Moore felt about finally severing his ties with DC:
Alan told me that as a result of finally and permanently splitting from DC, he’s has a general feeling of elation. He feels good about himself, as if a weight has been lifted. Earlier reports I’d had from the past two weeks were that his temper was high, but speaking to him found the same calm, serene gentlemen I’d met on and off over the last ten years.
And in this spirit of bonhomie, Alan Moore decided to propose to his longterm girlfriend and co-creator of Lost Girls, Melinda Gebbie. She accepted and they have announced their engagement.
Sounds like he came out ahead on this one.
So unless I misread that, and he meant that writing was his day job, then, never mind, LOL. I knew that sounded queer that he would have a day job, but comic sales being down and all, you never know, you know a lot more than me, since it's your job and all

I read that quote months ago quickly, so I remembered it differently.