"In all my years as a comic book editor, I have never come across a 'first time' script that came within a light-year of equaling Elliot S! Maggin's 'first time' comic book script. Indeed, to equalize this thrilling experience, I must go back to the early 1940s when, as a literary agent, I sold the very first story of a young Ray Bradbury." |
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The Men Behind the Super-Typewriter!
- an interview with Cary Bates and Elliot S! Maggin! (1974)
Elliot S! Maggin Speaks! - A Superman Through the Ages exclusive, in-depth interview! (1997) Elliot S! Maggin talks about Cary Bates and Julie Schwartz (2002)
Superman stories of Elliot S! Maggin -
Must There be a Superman? - Elliot's first Superman story! Superman #400 - The Living Legends of Superman by Elliot S! Maggin! Kingdom Come Introduction! - Elliot's introduction to the graphic novel!
Elliot S! Maggin talks about Lex Luthor!
- Elliot S! Maggin |
An unpublished chapter of Kingdom Come
October 2005 CBR Chat With Elliot S! Maggin Transcript
A Conversation with Elliot S! Maggin, by Anatole Wilson and Rich Morrisey, September 9, 1999 Interview: Elliot S! Maggin by Bruce Bachand - in which Elliot waxes wise about many things! Elliot S! Maggin Seduces the Innocent by Chris Galdieri - Elliot talks about his once-planed work on Supreme, the Fighting American, and SWAT
"I got into the habit
of putting exclamation marks at the end of sentences instead of periods because
reproduction on pulp paper was so lousy. So once, by accident, when I signed a
script I put the exclamation point after my 'S' because I was just used to going
to that end of the typewriter at the time. And Julie saw it, and before he told me,
he goes into the production room and issues a general order that any mention of
Elliot Maggin's name will be punctuated with an exclamation mark rather than a
period from now on until eternity."
- Elliot S! Maggin, from a mania interview |
This page is fan produced and is not affilliated withElliot S! Maggin, DC Comics, Warner Brothers, or any other comic book companies, any non-comic book companies, or any individuals, real or imaginary - except for Superman. SupermanTM DC Comics &© DC Comics, Joanne Siegel, and Laura Siegel Larson.
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