Superman Through the Ages!Holliston School Committee  
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First edition: Lodestone Presss, 1999
© 1999 Elliot S! Maggin ISBN 0-9678922-0-1
Author: Elliot S! Maggin
Cover art by: Curt Swan

At more than 17,000 words, Starwinds Howl relates the epic story of Krypto the Superdog and the emotional struggles of the young Kal-El.

In 1997, while still working on the novel of Kingdom Come, and having just re-read Jack London's Call of the Wild, author Elliot Maggin wrote that
The story was first made available online at this website on July 26, 1999, and later in a limited-edition small-press fanzine, now out of print.

Below are a few readers' comments:

"Starwinds Howl is an incredible story filled with all the wonder of the Silver Age of comics.  I now believe a dog can fly."

"I didn't realize just how much I mised Krypto until I read this tale -- it made me cry with joy and with happy memories."

"This is the best Krypto story I've ever read.  A worthy addition to the Maggin Canon."


Shortly thereafter DC introduced a Krypto soft-toy and later re-introduced the unstoppable pet to the comic books.

after Francis Barraud

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