The existence of Earth-E was first postulated by Mark Gruenwald in Omniverse #1, 1977. Its role was to deal with the
"Super-Sons" series which appeared in several issues of World's Finest, starting fromissue 215:
"Between the Earth-Two Superman and Batman whose careers began in the 1940s and the Earth-One Superman and Batman whose careers began in the 1960s, there must have been a Superman and Batman whose careers began in the 1950s. In scanning the complete runs of all the magazines where Superman and Batman regularly appeared, is it difficult to assign strict cut-off points where one Earth's heroes' adventures end and the next begins. Still, let us presume that the period between the retirement of the Justice Society
(All-Star #57, February-March 1951) and the founding of the Justice League(Brave & Bold #28, February-March 1960) roughly corresponds to the heyday of the Earth-E heroes."The 'E' stand for both 'Extraneous' and
'E.' Nelson Bridwell, who first postulated the existence of this 'middle' Earth."
Omniverse #1, 1977
Text and table from Jason Kirk's Lettered Earths page
"LITTLE TOWN with a BIG SECRET!" "The ANGEL with a DIRTY NAME!" "Superman Jr. is NO MORE!" |
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