Superman Through the Ages!Holliston School Committee  
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Lana Lang

Lana Lang by Curt Swan The lovely red-haired newscaster for Metropolis television station WMET-TV who has been a central figure in the life of Superman.  As a contemporary of the teen-aged Superman (i.e., Superboy) during their days in Smallville, she had a crush on Superboy, was alternatively friendly to, and contemptuous of, mild-mannered Clark Kent, and generally "tormented and pestered" them both in her never-ending quest for the secret of Superboy's dual identity.  As an adult, first as a reporter for the Daily Planet and later as a celebrated TV newscaster, she is one of Superman's best friends and Lois Lane's arch-rival for the affections of Superman.  Superman has described Lana as a "beautiful woman" and as "the swellest girl I ever met... except for Lois Lane!"

Lana Lang, the daughter of archaeologist and explorer Professor Lang and the niece of Professor Potter, grew up in Smallville, where she was in Clark Kent's class at Smallville High School.  Lana's senior-class yearbook cited her as a "class wit," but Superman #78 describes her as "pretty, prying, and pestiferous," and draws a pointed parallel between Lana Lang's relationship with the teen-aged Superboy and Lois Lane's relationship with the adult Superman: 

    "Superman has had his troubles from the reckless rashness of Lois Lane - but that's nothing new to him!  For years ago in Smallville, when he was Superboy, pretty, prying, pestiferous Lana Lang also used to give him headaches!"
In September of 1952, Lana Lang leaves Smallville and arrives in Metropolis.  She works for a time as a reporter at the Daily Planet - and shares an apartment with Lois Lane - before moving on to a new journalistic post with the Federal Syndicate.  During this time, she renews, for the first time since her teens, both her romantic interest in Superman and her determination to unravel the secret of his dual identity.  By January 1961 she has acquired a job as a news reporter for a television network, a post that has made her a TV celebrity.

Lana Lang by Curt Swan

Illustrations on this page by Curt Swan; scanned from The Great Superman Book.  Colors by Mark A. Semich.
Text on this page taken from The Great Superman Book © 1978 by Michael L. Fleisher.
Lana Lang © DC Comics

Superboy, Lana, and Pete Ross star in

entry origin: stta 1.0   

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