Biography of Jerry Siegel - Co-creator of Superman!
Biography of Joe Shuster - Co-creator of Superman!
Jerry Siegel Speaks - 1940 radio interview with Jerry Siegel (mp3)
How to Write Superhero Comics - a 1942 editorial guide
Here Comes Superman! - 1946 article by Mort Weisinger
Kirk Alyn - Stars as Superman in the 1940s movie serials!
Present at the Creation of Superman and the Mole-Men - how Whitney Ellsworth wrote the 1951 film!
The Man Who Wouldn't Be Superman - 1975 interview with Mort Weisinger!
The Man of Many Faces - an artist's guide to Superman's facial expressions, by Curt Swan
Superman Remembers! - 1979 interview with Kirk Alyn!
Superman's 45th Anniversary by Jerry Siegel - A letter from Superman's co-creator to Superman on the occasion of his 45th anniversary in 1983!
Of Superman and Kids With Dreams - rare 1983 interview with Jerry Siegel, Joanne Siegel, and Joe Shuster!
Drawing Superman by Curt Swan - A 1986 autobiographical piece by the premiere Superman artist!
The Magic Fingers of Jack Kirby
Cary Bates and Elliot Maggin: The Men Behind the Super-Typewriter - a 1974 interview
Elliot S! Maggin Speaks! - An exclusive 1997 interview with writer Elliot S! Maggin!
Elliot S! Maggin - More information about the famed Superman writer!
Alvin Schwartz - a writer of the Superman comic strip in the 1940s and 50s
Gerard Christopher - Interview with television's Superboy !
Hope - Superman article by Christopher Reeve, 2002
Superman, the Legend - The history of Superman's many media incarnations from 1938 to 1978!
Mort Weisinger, Architect of the Superman Mythos