I've only casually read this... am sorta waiting for the trade. My general feel is that this feels a little more like the Superman I know and love, though it seems like it took too long to get there for no obvious reason. The writing was hunky-dory.
I agree - this Superman is the real Superman and the writing was very well done. The story was great, Superman was great, Jimmy was great, Luthor was great - everybody was great. Lex in a giant transformer robot.
More details about the crystals from Krypton. Jimmy gets a
signal watch. The endling left me excited, uplifted, and wanting more. It has me looking forward to picking up the books and I have a newfound appreciation for hot pretzels.
This story has something to add to the legend.
As to "no obvious reason": It seems like this is a prologue to what could really just be a jumping on point. It's an in-continuity explanation for those who need it as to why Superman now has a movie fortress and Maggin-level powers and skill-set. A transition from the Iron Age Superman to what's coming next.