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Author Topic: Confessions of A Superman Fan is no more!  (Read 25084 times)
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Osgood Peabody
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« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2011, 12:21:29 AM »

I believe I've also saved everything from the SFN board, but retrieving it may be a job for someone more technical than I.

Another issue entirely is whether anyone really wants to read a bunch of old conversations.  I always assume a message board discussion is like conversation at a party; fun while in progress, but gone off into the ether immediately afterward.  For that matter, I assume all my blog posts could one day be wiped out by some technical disaster or other; the Web is just not a permanent place for anything in my way of thinking.

Hey nightwing, unfortunately I've been tied up on other projects and haven't been able to post to the blog or the MB, but I do still follow it and hope you continue as time and inspiration allow.

As for the content on the SFN board,  I was hoping to somehow get access to the "Superman in the 60s/70s" threads, as I had posted some story reviews there that I regrettably don't think I backed up anywhere.  If anyone knows how to work some magic and resurrect those threads, I'd be much obliged!

India Ink
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« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2011, 02:14:48 AM »

It's funny I haven't stopped by here in a donkey's age, but somehow I find I am logged in here. Although, I suppose if I tried a different computer, it probably wouldn't work (and I'm not sure what password or email I used way back when I registered).

But today I finally had the time to go see The Black Swan (before the Oscars--still gotta see The King's Speech) and although I was not wowed by the movie, the whole time I was thinking of two things--the movie Showgirls and the 1960s Lois Lane.

Sounds like a theme. Maybe I will develop this analysis somewhere.

India Ink
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« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2011, 05:40:27 PM »

Sounds like a theme. Maybe I will develop this analysis somewhere.

Yes, do. And do it here.
India Ink
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« Reply #19 on: February 24, 2011, 12:27:21 AM »

I've been itching to do something about Lois Lane for years now, but it seems like a monumental undertaking. And last year I spent a lot of time on one monumental undertaking, so I was hoping to kick back this year (and attend to real life aspirations). But sometimes these topics just take over and I can't stop myself. So we'll see.

On another front, my well wishes to those in New Zealand at this time of crisis.

India Ink
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« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2011, 09:30:27 AM »

On another front, my well wishes to those in New Zealand at this time of crisis.

There hasn't been a disaster of this magnitude in living memory........ And a disaster it is.
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