Hey, gang, sorry for the drama, it's been a bumpy week.

It looks like all the articles made the move, but the ones using video and audio clips are pretty screwed up. Might take a while to get them working again.
I plan to keep posting articles for a while yet (though like M-E Lad, I'm running out of steam), so I encourage you to keep visiting. I've put in a request to forward the old domain to the new address, so hopefully more people will soon be seeing the site instead of the "no server found" message.
Very sorry about the boards, but I guess they'd gotten kind of quiet, anyway. It feels like most of the interesting discussions were taking place in the comments sections of the posts themselves, and that still works.
One issue -- at least for the time being -- is that the new set-up isn't letting me add blog authors. So if anyone wants to contribute, you'll either need a Wordpress account (for a blog of your own, maybe...not sure how it works), or you'll need to send your piece to me to post for you (with a by-line added, of course).