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Author Topic: Who...WHO is Superman's eagle?  (Read 13508 times)
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Council of Wisdom
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« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2006, 10:26:40 PM »

There must have been children who thought of Hostess Twinkies ads as canon. "My favourite Daredevil adventure is the one where he gets into a fight with a guy who thought he'd said he smelled of socks."

Funny you should say it, because there is actually some evidence that, at least at Marvel anyway, the Twinkie ads ARE canon. In the story arc of THUNDERBOLTS where the Crimson Cowl's enormous Masters of Evil are revealed, one of the members of this villain group was Icemaster.

Icemaster's only previous appearance? Fighting the Human Torch in a Hostess cupcake ad, sporting such winning dialogue as:

"What CRUST! So LIGHT, so TENDER! And I'm really...WARMING...up to the fruit filling!"

"Wait, a startling new development, Black Goliath has ripped Stilt-Man's leg off, and appears to be beating him with it!"
       - Reporter, Champions #15 (1978)
Superman Squad
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« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2006, 11:21:26 PM »

Permanus is momentarily distracted by the snack food thrown by Julian before the men in white coats to arrive: "Aaah, rich ironic filling!"

Between the revolution and the firing-squad, there is always time for a glass of champagne.
Uncle Mxy
Superman Squad
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« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2006, 10:32:56 PM »

Funny you should say it, because there is actually some evidence that, at least at Marvel anyway, the Twinkie ads ARE canon. In the story arc of THUNDERBOLTS where the Crimson Cowl's enormous Masters of Evil are revealed, one of the members of this villain group was Icemaster.

Icemaster's only previous appearance? Fighting the Human Torch in a Hostess cupcake ad, sporting such winning dialogue as:
Technically, that's a cupcake, not a Twinkie, but I think it's safe to qualify this as a Twinkie defense on your part.  Smiley
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