In many famous covers, Superman is shown with an Eagle perched on his arm.
My question is, WHO is this eagle?
Does the eagle have a name?
Does Superman pull one out of mothballs for photo shoots, sort of like politicians with girl scout cookies?

More likely (since this is
Superman we're talking about here) the Eagle is no doubt some sort of crime-fighting tool. Maybe it's a robot designed to look like an eagle that he uses with advanced sensors that detect Kryptonite, which is why he doesn't fly in himself. Maybe the eagle isn't an eagle at all, but is a shapeshifting Protean of Antares that Superman keeps in his collection, that assumes the form of an eagle for disguise and photography purposes. Maybe its an eagle that is partially bionic, sort of like in SILVERHAWKS.
Since Superman is more likely to be shown with an eagle in his World War II days, it is likely only Earth-2 Superman has such an eagle.