Doug Barr
Supermen of America
Posts: 46
« on: March 27, 2006, 08:31:40 PM » |
. Have you ever wondered, before you had been provided with an "answer" (which by now there have probably been many) just how it was that Jor-EL Knew of Earth, so many light-years away. Not only did he know of its existance, but also that Kryptonians would be nourished by its atmosphere, & would have Super powers here? I realize they are a very advanced race, but wouldnt any race so advanced have more than one scientist who knew their planet Krypton was about to end? Jor-EL was scourned for even implying it! Why? I like to think, just in my own imagination, that Krypton had a close relationship with Oa, the planet which is home to' The Guardians of the universe'. Anyone familiar with 'Green Lantern' ( & it is well worth becoming familiar with) knows that the Guardians have the Galaxy pretty much mapped out, It would not be a stretch to believe they would be aware just what effect Earth would have on a Kryptonian. But why did the Kryptonians doubt Jor-EL? Could it be that the Guardians were nervous about having ALL the kryptonians migrate to a planet where they would be virtuall Gods?What would become of the Earthlings? Was it the Guardians who told the Kryptonians that Jor-EL was wrong? I have another reason why they let, or rather told, Jor EL he could send a baby there, to be raised as a earthling. It gets a little complicated, I will edit this post later on as I work it out clearer,It has to do with Krypton being part of the same sector as Oa(in my telling, anyway), & that the whole sector was dying, as Krypton did. Life didnt evolve on Kyypton, it migrated there as other planets in the sector were dying. Life COULDNT develope on Krypton - the gravity was too dense. If the sector was dying, how did Oa survive? It didnt, on a physical plane. but I am still working on this,.