If anyone really, truly wants those characters back, the resurrection-well in comics is still fully functioning.
I'm not denying that it isn't possible to bring back a character in a way that is satisfying and interesting and that doesn't look completely cheesy (look at all the various resurrections of Wonder Man, for example, made all the better because said resurrections affected his characterization) but in general, character resurrection is an overused device. And also like I said, character resurrection is (for the most part) a male-only option.
If these guys stay dead and gone, given the above options that have been used before, that underscores how unusable they are. The door is always open.
I don't know if I'd agree with this, because some characters that are perfectly usable remain dead for all sorts of reasons apart from whether the character is interesting or not. I suspect the reason Hal didn't return as Green Lantern for as long as he did was because that would mean DC would have to admit that they made a mistake.
It apparently happens in soaps all the time, without the philisophic justification. And grossness.
It's cheesy when soaps kill off the aged patriarch/matriarch that's been on the show since the first season, though soap opera characters generally die of some sexy, romantic wasting disease, whereas female characters in comics generally die from refrigerator stuffing, sexual violence, phallic stabbings, and falls from bridges.
Also - and this is the best news I've heard all week - Luthor, the REAL Luthor, is back in DC-Town. Woohoo!
WHY, do you ask, am I so jazzed about this? Because:
1) he isn't being brought back as a shock value person to kill off, as they so obviously are intending to do with Earth-2 Superman;
2) He's being played up with the competence and dignity that this character deserves and possesses;
3) He's up and around to tan the backside of that creepy Byrne Luthor, and who can be against that?