Sorry lad, but the real Golden Age Superman and Earth-2 Superman do not really add up, so they can't be the same person. It's not like it's only a few things either, there are lots.
As this
very site shows there are major differences between the Golden Age Superman from 1940 on that do not match with the Earth-2 Superman:
1) Golden Age Superman had Perry White who replaced George Taylor in 1940 and worked for the Daily
Planet. Earth-2 Superman worked under George Taylor and was made editor-in-chief
in place of Perry White for the Daily
2) The Golden Age Superman's Luthor went bald in 1941, the Earth-2 Luthor never was bald.
3) The Golden Age Superman was the
only survivor of Krypton, the Earth-2 Superman like his Earth-1 counterpart had a cousin who survived as well as assorted Krytonian criminals.
All Kryptonians had the powers of the Golden Age Superman even on Krypton (which became a major problem as his powers increased), this was not true for the Earth-2 Superman. This idea was kept clear into August 1950.