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Author Topic: IC #1 - At last they return  (Read 131892 times)
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Last Son of Krypton
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« Reply #136 on: October 25, 2005, 06:49:05 AM »

The Golden Age Superman worked at and lived in the city of Cleveland, Ohio.

It does make me wonder if Smallville or the Kent farm was also originally in Ohio, and maybe Midvale as well.

I can see moving from one of the farm towns in Ohio and moving to one of the big cities in the state.  I can not see, moving from Kansas and going across how many states to work in Metropolis in New York or Deleware.

Cleveland is on the shores of Lake Erie, so those shots of Superman's city from a body of water is actually from the North and looking south.  As to any amsument parks that showed up in those early stories, that would have to be Cedar Point

If Midvale was, it would logically be Marion, Ohio.  Marion is not a big city, nor a small town.  It also goes by the name Heart of Ohio.
Superman Family
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« Reply #137 on: October 25, 2005, 12:09:05 PM »

Quote from: "Super Monkey"
Sorry lad, but the real Golden Age Superman and Earth-2 Superman do not really add up, so they can't be the same person. It's not like it's only a few things either, there are lots.

As this very site shows there are major differences between the Golden Age Superman from 1940 on that do not match with the Earth-2 Superman:

1) Golden Age Superman had Perry White who replaced George Taylor in 1940 and worked for the Daily Planet. Earth-2 Superman worked under George Taylor and was made editor-in-chief in place of Perry White for the Daily Star.

2) The Golden Age Superman's Luthor went bald in 1941, the Earth-2 Luthor never was bald.

3) The Golden Age Superman was the only survivor of Krypton, the Earth-2 Superman like his Earth-1 counterpart had a cousin who survived as well as assorted Krytonian criminals.

4) All Kryptonians had the powers of the Golden Age Superman even on Krypton (which became a major problem as his powers increased), this was not true for the Earth-2 Superman. This idea was kept clear into August 1950.
Council of Wisdom
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Silver Age Surfer

« Reply #138 on: October 25, 2005, 03:19:20 PM »

Actually, I know that they don't add up, but the intention of Earth 2 when the "Flash of Two Worlds" was written seems to have been to make the Golden Age fit...

That's what I meant by taking into account the time...then other stories go their ways...
Last Son of Krypton
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« Reply #139 on: October 25, 2005, 09:33:21 PM »

In at least one golden-age story Clark sent his story to a ohio newspaper.  That does not prove that he lived in Cleveland.  Jerry & Joe could have done that as a nod to that newspaper or as an in-joke.  Superman in the comics was never based in cleveland.  Before his city was identified as Metropolis, it was implied to be New York.  Before Smallville was created it was implied that Clark grew up in metropolis.  Or a suburb of it.  Smallville (untill the Byrne/Wolfman reboot) was in the same state as metropolis, not kansas.  In real life people move all over the U S.  All the time.  

     Untill Alexie Luthor appeared in the Mr & Mrs Superman stories, it was assumed that the Earth-2 Luthor was bald.  The series of retcons that created the Earth-2 Superman was not really thought through.  When the Earth-2 Kal first appeared in a JLA/JSA story, he looked more like he actually did through most of the golden-age.   Earth-2 Luthor could have still been bald & still "had" a full head of red hair for his first 8 or so appearances.  Maybe in those stories Luthor was wearing a toupee.  Maybe between his last appearance with hair & his first appearance as a bald man, he was caught & sent to jail. Or prison.  Prisoners are not allowed things like hairpieces & toupees.  How would i have accounted for the Daily Star & the Daily Planet.  Simple Clark & Lois left the Daily Star & went to the Daily Planet.  Maybe they were offered better pay.

John Martin, citizen of the omniverse.
Council of Wisdom
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Silver Age Surfer

« Reply #140 on: October 25, 2005, 10:11:14 PM »

The separation of Earth 1 and 2 by those distinctions by later stories didn't work for me (but that's just me), they seemed kind of un necessary, but I am not a big Earth Prime fan either...

But I pay attention to them...
Johnny Nevada
Last Son of Krypton
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Milwaukee, WI

« Reply #141 on: October 26, 2005, 02:26:00 AM »

Quote from: "llozymandias"
In at least one golden-age story Clark sent his story to a ohio newspaper.  That does not prove that he lived in Cleveland.  Jerry & Joe could have done that as a nod to that newspaper or as an in-joke.  Superman in the comics was never based in cleveland.  Before his city was identified as Metropolis, it was implied to be New York.  Before Smallville was created it was implied that Clark grew up in metropolis.  Or a suburb of it.  Smallville (untill the Byrne/Wolfman reboot) was in the same state as metropolis, not kansas.  In real life people move all over the U S.  All the time.  

     Untill Alexie Luthor appeared in the Mr & Mrs Superman stories, it was assumed that the Earth-2 Luthor was bald.  The series of retcons that created the Earth-2 Superman was not really thought through.  When the Earth-2 Kal first appeared in a JLA/JSA story, he looked more like he actually did through most of the golden-age.   Earth-2 Luthor could have still been bald & still "had" a full head of red hair for his first 8 or so appearances.  Maybe in those stories Luthor was wearing a toupee.  Maybe between his last appearance with hair & his first appearance as a bald man, he was caught & sent to jail. Or prison.  Prisoners are not allowed things like hairpieces & toupees.  How would i have accounted for the Daily Star & the Daily Planet.  Simple Clark & Lois left the Daily Star & went to the Daily Planet.  Maybe they were offered better pay.

Maybe the Earth-2 Luthor (after being bald for awhile) simply found a cure for his own baldness (unlike his Earth-1 counterpart)? ;-)

Dial H For Hero
Supermen of America
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« Reply #142 on: October 26, 2005, 02:50:33 AM »

I'm guessing (being no expert) that there is a general correlation between the GA Superman and the E2 Supes, with the differences being attributed to still other parallel-Earth counterparts (who knows how many Supermen there actually were, pre-Crisis). For example, one '40s story had Supes being able to change shape, something neither the E1 or E2 Superman could do in later issues. I like to think of the GA Superman as the original, and prefer to overlook the discrepancies.
Last Son of Krypton
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« Reply #143 on: October 26, 2005, 09:06:00 PM »

Actually i have thought of  that.  So have others like E Nelson Bridwell.  Maybe most of golden-age DC took place on Earth-2.  But in the Superman stories focus was shifted to another as yet unidentified Earth.  On that earth: Clark worked for Perry White at the Daily Planet; his real name is Kal-El; his Superman costume is more identical to that of his Earth-1 counterpart; Luthor is bald; etc..  However except for the differences the two "golden-age" Supermen had identical lives & careers.  In the 40s at least.  This has been suggested numerous times over the years, by many others.

John Martin, citizen of the omniverse.
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