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Question: Who is your favourite?  (Voting closed: June 12, 2005, 08:37:04 AM)
Joe Shuster - 0 (0%)
Wayne Boring - 0 (0%)
Curt Swan - 12 (80%)
Neal Adams - 0 (0%)
John Byrne - 3 (20%)
Dan Jurgens - 0 (0%)
Ed McGuinness - 0 (0%)
Jim Lee - 0 (0%)
Total Voters: 15

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Author Topic: Superman's best artist  (Read 16511 times)
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Super Monkey
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« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2005, 05:18:36 PM »

Quote from: "TELLE"
Perez?  Other than some covers, JLA, Crisis, and maybe the odd story, what did he do?  What is the best Perez Superman tale?

My list isn't in order, but Curt is the best IMHO.

Perez gets an honorary vote along with Neal Adams, both of whom were not Superman artists but drew some of the best versions ever which are considered iconic today. For Perez that would be his version of the Earth-2 Superman.

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Genis Vell
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« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2005, 08:07:16 PM »

Quote from: "nightwing"
I didn't mean you had to include poll is that big!  But given only 8 choices, why would you include, say, Neal Adams -- who only did one full-length Superman story in his career -- or Jim Lee, but not Alex Ross, whose version is considered a new standard?

This is the point: I didn't know that we can put only 8 options! This was my first poll.
Jim Lee is one of the most important modern artists of the Man of Steel. And this is odd, if we think that he drawn only 12 issues, while Curt Swan has drawn Supes for 33 years...
I admit that I didn't think to Alex Ross. How many stories has he drawn? I don't remember, except for PEACE ON EARTH.
Anyway, who wants to vote for other artists, can specify it.

But then life is seldom fair.  Else why would we have a Jim Lee-style Superman action figure, a McGuinness figure and two Ross figures, but no Swan?

2006 will be the 10th anniversary of Curt's death. I really hope that DC makes something to remind the event and, of course, the artist, to old and new readers. Sigh, here in Italy younger readers don't know artists like Curt Swan and Wayne Boring, and it's a shame.

Anyway if I'd been the one starting this poll, you'd be the one yelling...because John Byrne would not have been a choice!


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« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2005, 06:42:13 AM »

If we're doing one shots I liked Tim Sale's Superman for All Seasons.  But ..that aint Swan baby.
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« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2005, 06:56:51 AM »

Quote from: "Super Monkey"
Perez gets an honorary vote along with Neal Adams, both of whom were not Superman artists but drew some of the best versions ever which are considered iconic today. For Perez that would be his version of the Earth-2 Superman.

I agree that the Perez Crisis- and JLA E2-Supes has a great quality --the quality that Perez added (adds?) to all characters he delineated.  Correct me if I'm wrong --wasn't the gray-templed Superman invented before Perez came along (ie, in the 70s JLA or JSA comics)?

My fave Earth-2 Superman artist is Shaffenberger, in part because his old-school style seemed perfectly suited to those Superman Family stories of Mr and Mrs Superman.

And just for the record, Jim Lee and Byrne?  Not for moi.
Not anymore.  I liked Perez & Byrne as a kid --I can still read Perez but can't tolerate Byrne.  Occasional nice costume designs/geometry, but selfish, idiosyncratic, mean-spirited storytelling.  Maybe I can still look at Perez because he works with writers?  Who knows...

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Genis Vell
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« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2005, 07:46:33 AM »

Quote from: "TELLE"

I agree that the Perez Crisis- and JLA E2-Supes has a great quality --the quality that Perez added (adds?) to all characters he delineated.  Correct me if I'm wrong --wasn't the gray-templed Superman invented before Perez came along (ie, in the 70s JLA or JSA comics)?

Yes. If I recall correctly, he first appeared during the 60s.

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« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2005, 03:07:43 PM »

I think the first appearance of an Earth-2 Superman as such was during Denny O'Neill's run on JLA.  Dick Dillin drew him not only without gray hair, but wearing a costume identical to the Earth-1 version. It was impossible to tell them apart!

The first time I can remember seeing a gray-templed Superman was during the 70's revival of "All-Star Comics," when Keith Giffen and Wally Wood were handling the art.  I thought he looked fantastic, by the way...Keith and Wally drew the slightly shorter, squat and muscular Joe Shuster Superman, squinty eyes and all, and added the touch of gray.  I loved it.

Perez took the ball and drew a similar version in his terrific JLA run, eventually mutating him into the version we see in Crisis (who bears, for my money, a resemblance to George Reeves).  

My vote for best Perez-drawn Superman story would have to be the DC Comics Presents team-up with OMAC.  The art on that one blew me out of the water, and for a long time it was one of those comics I thumbed through again and again just to see the pretty pictures.


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« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2005, 08:03:59 AM »

I must buy both those comics!!

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Klar Ken T5477
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« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2005, 03:47:37 PM »

That All Star is ALL Wally Wood. Got the ish.
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