I didn't mean you had to include everyone...no poll is that big! But given only 8 choices, why would you include, say, Neal Adams -- who only did one full-length Superman story in his career -- or Jim Lee, but not Alex Ross, whose version is considered a new standard?
This is the point: I didn't know that we can put only 8 options! This was my first poll.
Jim Lee is one of the most important modern artists of the Man of Steel. And this is odd, if we think that he drawn only 12 issues, while Curt Swan has drawn Supes for 33 years...
I admit that I didn't think to Alex Ross. How many stories has he drawn? I don't remember, except for PEACE ON EARTH.
Anyway, who wants to vote for other artists, can specify it.
But then life is seldom fair. Else why would we have a Jim Lee-style Superman action figure, a McGuinness figure and two Ross figures, but no Swan?
2006 will be the 10th anniversary of Curt's death. I really hope that DC makes something to remind the event and, of course, the artist, to old and new readers. Sigh, here in Italy younger readers don't know artists like Curt Swan and Wayne Boring, and it's a shame.
Anyway if I'd been the one starting this poll, you'd be the one yelling...because John Byrne would not have been a choice!