Durahn Taylor
« on: January 13, 2005, 07:12:30 AM » |
Thank you for including "The Cape and Cowl Crooks" in your collection of online stories!
This is one of my favorite Superman-Batman stories from the 1960s. It was reprinted in an issue of World's Finest during the 1970s, and I have a special memory of reading that story with my paternal grandfather when I was first learning to read. Looking at this story online is helping me relive those precious memories, and I appreciate it very much.
You know, it might be hard for this story to be "remade" into a modern plot, given today's characterizations of Superman, Batman, and their friends, but I still like this story for its fun and charm. I still like the idea of an Anti-Superman and an Anti-Batman, and I still thrill to that chase between the Batmobile and the Anti-Batmobile. ( I think that's why the stories about the "Crime Syndicate," the evil version of the Justice League, are favorite stories of mine and of many other fans as well.) This was also the story in which I first learned, as a child, the origin of the Joker ( I read this before I got a reprint of "The Man Behind the Red Hood."). And I agree with Perry White: it was "great copy."
Not only that, but how many other stories, before or since, have been able to work in so many members of Superman's and Batman's rogues galleries in cameo appearances, without having those villains overwhelm the plot? This story was just fun, fun all around. And it still is today, because it's charming in the way a good comic-book super-hero story ought to be.
Again, I thank you all for adding this story to your collection, and I thank my grandfather once more for reading this story with me so long ago.
Durahn Taylor