The Hulk as a film was indeed a mixed bag. Watching it in the theater I was struck by the odd mix of what I liked and what I didn't like.
The positive aspects of the film came both in Ang Lee's directorial style and in the casting of Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly, and Sam Elliot as Bruce Banner, Betty Ross, and General Ross respectively. I really thought the film felt like a comic book, with the feeling of panels, tricks of the camera and whatnot. The actors, at least those playing the roles I mentioned, were great, and it was clear to me that they weren't phoning it in but rather legitimately treating the piece seriously.
The Hulk himself I thought looked great, though I wish they'd done more with him. There was potential there for some real havoc wrought but they inevitably backed down. Must've been budget constraints, or just bad writing.
Now to the negative.
The "modenization" of the origin. I continue to be astounded at Hollywood's juevenile need to "mature" comic book properties in some way. I mean, nanobots? C'mon now. The true irony of the Hulk's origin comes in the fact that the evils of nuclear weapons spawns an even greater monster (albeit a misunderstood one) in the form of the Hulk. Couldn't they have kept it true to that?
Nick Nolte. Every time I saw him in the film I winced. Here was a guy who could care less about the Hulk, whose sole purpose in the film was to both chew the scenery and completely collapse my suspension of disbelief. Every time I saw him, all I could think of was Crazy Nick, not Brian Banner. And as the Absorbing Man? Oh lord. This was too much.
Under-utilization of the Hulk. C'mon. . .you have a cool character like the Hulk and you use him in what, four or five set pieces? I wanted more. I wanted tanks flying through the air, I wanted seens of more gentleness from the jade giant, and most important of all I wanted:
Nothing. Nada. Just some running, some snarling, and some poodle fighting.
To be honest, the strengths of the film are considerable, but they're buried beneath a mix of revionist crap and ham acting. I'd reccomend buying this film on the cheap, and then skipping to the scenes that work. Or wait until whoever's directing the sequel comes to their senses and makes an Incredible Hulk movie that's actually about the Hulk. . .but maybe that's expecting too much of Hollywood.
Incidentally, my reccomendation would've been to hand this property, and the Superman property, over to the good people at PIXAR. Can you imagine how cool a superhero movie done by that team would be. It'd be like the comics given motion and THX surround sound. . .*drools*
Maybe someday, when Hollywood can look beyond name actors and auteur directors I guess. Somehow I doubt it'll be in my lifetime though.