Hiya all!
I'm from Norway, born in 1962. Here in Norway, the George Reeves TV-series of Superman was never shown. They showed "I Love Lucy" in the sixties/early seventies as I recall, but never Superman. I grew up on Superman comics though, and it was in a Superman comic book that I first encountered some photos from the TV-series. They were printed as a teaser for the upcoming Superman movie (the first Chris Reeve one), and I was amazed to find that there had been earlier real action adventures starring the big "S". I was aware of the cartoon series earlier on, I think. Anyway, since these TV-shows were never shown originally, there hasn't been any nostalgiatrips or reruns on any TV channels here in Europe, I think. However, during a trip to London in the early 90's I was able to pick up a video cassette of "Superman and the Mole Men". I recently recorded this film over to DVD, having bought a DVD+ recorder earlier this year. (According to norwegian laws, it is legal to copy a film that one owns, in order to have a back-up.) And just a few weeks ago, I purchased a copy of "Stamp Day for Superman", from USA through an internet trade. So these are the only two Superman films I have with George Reeves. And I'm craving for more! I could, of course, set about to find some second hand VHS copies of the ones that were officially released in the US through e-bay or something, but very often, people just don't want to go to the trouble of shipping stuff overseas. And as I understand: not every episode was released in this format. So my question is: Is anyone out there recording episodes from the original TV-series on DVD? In which case I would really be interested in getting some. You can get in touch with me by posting a reply to this posting or send a mail to