Supermen of America
Posts: 46
« on: May 30, 2019, 07:38:45 PM » |
I'm posting this here because only a Superman fan would understand the significance of the date.
I had a sad and violent childhood and now I'm mentally ill; in August of '98, I was living with my parents and not working; I saw my only local friend on Saturdays when he was free, but was pretty lonely the rest of the week; my therapist told me the building next door was a social club for the mentally ill, so I started loitering there, sipping my grape soda before walking the 3 miles home. I pretty much had the place to myself, but 1 day, 2 clients (recipients of mental health services are called "clients") showed up, a guy & a woman. We got to talking. I'll call her "Jaye".
Jaye struck me as intelligent, kind, & reasonable, so we arranged to meet for coffee the next Saturday afternoon; after several dates, she taught me of the existence of a new-to-me concept: Schizo-Affective Disorder, which meant that sometimes her schizophrenia took hold of her, and at others she was Bi-Polar, for which she took medication which reduced her symptoms, but didn't lessen all of them.
I joined the social club and went out with Jaye for a tempestuous 32 months, during which we broke up 14 times, 11 declared by her, and 3 decided by me, which included the last, final, breakup. She was just too ill. We remained good friends anyway & it was she, who, that awful day, called me to tell me about 9/11.
By the spring of 2007, I was finally on the internet and a dyed in the wool Superman comic book fan (which I'll explain in the my next post), & soon discovered "Superman Through the Ages", which became my favorite site, because it contained readable free comics & lots of cool articles: Finding the comic stories here was like discovering the local supermarket was giving out free bubblegum. And then my computer died.
Several months later I got another one & paid Jaye to install it (she had graduated at the top of her technical college class, before deciding not to take her meds anymore ("I was doing so well!") and went back to the hospital.) When, under Jaye's guidance, my computer chimed to indicate it was alive & working, I faintly tasted "Bazooka".
Over the course of time, we each found someone else and enjoyed our first long-term successful relationships. On a cold Monday morning in 2016, my wife called me at home from the Social Club to tell me to go to there immediately, she couldn't tell me over the phone. When I got there, a clinic staff person sadly explained that Jaye had killed herself.
Months later, another staff person told me that Jaye had taken an overdose of Benadryl. She left a note, but I've never asked her boyfriend what it said; I assume she'd stopped taking her meds again, she hated the side effects. Her body was discovered on Friday, February 26th, 2016, and I found out 3 days later.
I have wondered what, if anything, God was telling me about the coincidence of the date. I've now decided that it means that life is short and I should take a much more active role in facing my fears & eradicating my Mental Illness; as you can see, I've been ill a long, long time. One of my fears was writing this down. But I hate to leave you with a sad ending, so I'll post again today, on a more happy subject.
If there's anyone there.