Where did you see this series as a child, if I may ask?
I've been watching the episodes over and over again, in my effort to learn German, and just because I love this show so much. I'm taking it slow, because I don't want to go through all the episodes too fast and miss the pleasure of being with these characters.
I'm even putting together my own Wörterbuch/scrap book as I go along.
I've found this page is a great resource (unfortunately, for those who don't have any German, only the international pages is in English)--
http://www.pumucklhomepage.de/int.htmlI saw them in Germany, where I live.
But if I may give you an advice: Pumuckl is not so good for learning German, because it use dialect. Use old comic books: they use GOOD German.
I suggest the old seventies/eighties DC translations from the Ehapa Verlag. They are: Superman/Batman (translated alternating issues of various Superman, Batman, Legion and World's Finest books); Superboy (Superboy & The LSH); Wundergirl (Wonder Woman); Roter Blitz (The Flash); Gerechtigkeitsliga (JLA); Superfreunde (Super Friends); Grüne Leuchte (Green Lantern); Junge Giganten (Teen Titans/New Teen Titans).