Songbird from THUNDERBOLTS. With the gorgeous two-tone hair and all that. She's had a sad life, so you just want to give her a cuddle. Anyway, you ever hate how a girl never shuts up about how great their ex was? Well, her dating history consists of the Beetle, that hippie Angar the Screamer, and Baron Zemo. INSTANT WIN!
I don't read Thunderbolts, but I thought Songbird was that Black Canary rip-off who was romantically linked to Green Arrow rip-off Hawkeye. (hee hee, watch me wind up Uncle Julian, kids!
Anyway, I think you'll find that women who attract a long string of losers and abusers are usually head cases themselves. On some level they seek out guys who'll mistreat them, and like it (as witness Lana Turner, for instance).
Out of the choices given, I'd have to go with Supergirl in the 70s, probably the first female to ever open my eyes to the virtues of females. Nice curves, good hair, hot pants, a billowy blouse with a plunging "v" neckline and those cute little slippers. What's not to love? Plus she was a sweetie. I liked her in the 60s, too, but come on, she was 14 years I look like Jerry Lee Lewis? (For you youngsters on the board, make that R. Kelley)
The trouble, of course, is that we're mere mortals, and historically they haven't fared well in marriages to super-females. What ever happened to that touchy-feely New Age pansy Donna Troy married?
Saturn Girl is smokin' hot in her Cockrum-era swimsuit, but honestly what guy in his right mind would hook up with a babe who can read your thoughts? Logically, Imra should be like Rogue...a gorgeous babe who's nonetheless shunned by males because of her powers.
Anyway, I think "who would you marry" is a question for 9-year-olds. The average fanboy today is closer to 30, I'll wager, so the question should be "who would you bang"...with the unspoken follow-up "if she inexplicably lost her standards and/or vision."