Julian, I think you are referring to Gardner Fox's story "Super-Exiles of Earth" from Justice League of America #19.
YEAAAAH, my bad, it was #19. Well, no matter who wrote it, it was a pretty bad story. For one thing, their exile sentence made no sense. If the JLA really HAD gone rotten, why would they turn themselves in so meekly? Second, last time I checked, it was "innocent until proven guilty." They wouldn't be forced off earth until their "innocence is proved to the satisfaction of the court!" That's just not how the American legal system does it.
If the JLA, guys that can move continental plates, really DID turn bad...they would send regular cops with guns and nightsticks after them? NO.
Also, Dr. Destiny is a knucklehead. He's got the Materiopticon, a machine that can make dreams a reality (which apparently, he built out of
parts from prison because obviously in jail they'd let a known criminal genius inventor tinker with electronics), and a gas that can make anyone dream about whatever he likes...
and he's still in prison? The Dream-JLA he created is running around stealing everything that isn't bolted down, and he's sitting pretty in JAIL? And in that issue, he has the nerve to call himself a mastermind.