The Lt Marvels and Hoppy, I think are still valid references, though.
Well, in the old Fawcett days, Hopy was NOT cannon. He lived in a different funny animal universe.
Captain Marvel and Billy were treated as two different people, just like in the new Jeff Smith series.
For that matter, when people think of the Weisenger Age, they think the Super-Pets...but with the exception of Krypto and Comet, the Super-Pets had only a few appearances, and they were cute comedy stories where their existence made sense. It wasn't like Krypto was showing up regularly to save Superman's bacon. Some Super-Pets only showed up once: Mynah the Super-Bird, for instance.
True, Super Monkey rarely was in any comics, and even then most were just cameo appearances, yet in the 1990's Iron Age fanboys would always bring him up in order to "prove" that the pre-crisis Superman was only silly nonsense and the 1990's was the best. So I picked my name to spite them
There needs to be a moratorium on Captain Marvel threads, stat. I'm sick of hearing about the guy.
Yet you keep posting in each one
deep down you know you like him