I wonder if the smuggled cellular phone video will create even more problems?
Apparently so...
http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/01/03/saddam.execution/index.htmlI wondered the same thing about the Michael Richards video. As soon as the furor dies down over his nasty comments, I think he should sue the guy who used a camera phone to record his act. Surely that's verboten at a concert of any kind? Sue him, Mike, it might be your last chance to make money this decade!
As for Saddam, it's hard to work up too much indignation over what amounts to putting down a mad dog. But on the other hand, the way the whole thing was handled -- trial and execution alike -- had a Dark Ages feel to it that doesn't do much to legitimize the new government. Basically Iraq was a brutish Thug-ocracy when we got there, isn't much better now and will be a smoking hole in the ground about a week after we leave.
And whoever shot that shaky video has no future as a filmmaker.