It was an attempt by Roy Thomas and Gene Colon to make Strange appeal to a more mainstream audience
See, this is the trouble. You get just another cookie-cutter character. Tights, muscles, secret identity, blah. Dr Strange is not that character.
This looks like an old thread, but I'm glad it got a shot in the arm because I really like Dr Strange. He has one of the best origin stories in comics, like a few of the better Marvel characters. As with the earliest run of Spider-Man adventures, that early 1960s run of Dr Strange in "Strange Tales" is amazing, some of the best comics I've read.
How cool that this guy can cast any spell imaginable, but he's reminded of his own flaws every time he picks up a drink, and hears the ice cubes rattling inside the glass.
I never took it that the nerve damage to his hands was so pronounced that he would get reminders in everyday life. His hands "seem to be all right" (quote from the origin story). I think it was a bit more subtle. But his days of performing extremely delicate fine-motor movements were over, and it was his choice to leave things as they were.