We've received a few previously unknown pages since we started. If things continue at the same rate, there's a very good chance that more pages will turn up.
Peter Jones sent in page 20 back when we were still attempting to assemble the story only from the original art.
very fuzzy page 7 was published in
Alter Ego - reproduced from an illegible photo, the only copy of the page known to be in existence. But after we started the reconstruction project, we received two exclusives from Thomas Andrae - a very clear and legible photocopy of page 7, and of the never-before-seen page 12.
There are a lot of people very curious to see the original page 26. Although the mysterious metal from Krypton is called "K-Metal" in the last page of the script (the only place in the story that it's ever actually named), there is some speculation that it could have been changed in post-production to "Kryptonite."
But I don't buy that - everything we've found to date is word-for-word what's in the script - grammatical errors and all.