All hail Curt Swan!
Though DC has released Megatokyo as a comic book? That chill you feel is Heck just having froze over, and that sound you hear is the cracking of the seal of the coming apocalypse.
Here's a question, though: what's on YOUR desktop? The Windows default? A pin-up of Cindy Margolis? Stonehenge? The George Perez cover to JLA/AVENGERS #2?
Well, since you *asked*: a Joe Phillips cartoon of a sailor kissing another guy (in a take-off of the famous World War II troops-coming-home photograph)... or at least until I put one of the two Superman wallpapers up. ;-) (Joe Phillips = a gay cartoonist, but one who's done work for DC in the past, including [staying on-topic] doing art for a few 90's Superman stories, according to his website).
Oh, and I run Ubuntu Linux (not Windows)... :-)