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Author Topic: x- ray eyes, How do they work?  (Read 4866 times)
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Doug Barr
Supermen of America
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Posts: 46

« on: March 29, 2006, 05:26:30 PM »

I like to come up with possible ways for Kal-ELs particular powers, why he has the ones he does & not others.   X-Ray vision for instance.
I like to think that the planet Krypton (which human life didnt evolve on, but migrated to, because the whole sector was coming to an end, if you read that other post I did) not only had a very dense gravity, which the people who came had to adapt to, but it also had, as we know, a red sun. Now it is possible that this sun gave off very low levels of light, & the people would need to develope very, very strong sight,the sight wouldnt seem  strong on Kyypton, but when they 1st arrived there  they were nearly blind.(from what Ive heard, they also could barely stand upright, & for only 30 seconds at a time if they did)
  Also, the planet may have been plauged by harsh snowstorms, or sandstorms, which they would need to be able to see through.After many generations, maybe they could see through them fairly well. So when Kal-EL came here his ability to see thru things could have been due to this, our brighter Sun, & no sandstorms blocking his vision. When something DID block his vision, he could see thru it as they had with the storms,coupled with their low level light.
Dont ask me to explain heat vision, or flying. I am 1st trying to figgure the 1939 man of tomorrow.

Sword of Superman
Superman Family
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« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2006, 08:04:05 PM »

I think that the x-ray vision is a side effect of the kryptonian evoluted mind,in Superman case is much more powerful because of the effect of the yellow sun over is kryptonian body that also affect is mental abilities.
I don't like the Byrne's explanation for this power,because if Superman can see through the things thanks to a combination of telescopic and microscopic vision,why it cannot see behind a lead shield?

"Since we didn't want to use our science on your world, Shayera and I decided we would fight Earth-crime with Earth-weapons. She always found it amusing that I felt so comfortable with them" - Katar Hol
Last Son of Krypton
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« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2006, 11:20:42 AM »

Because lead is really dense and is excellent at blocking EM radiation. I prefer the reasoning in Wolverton's Science of Superman, that Superman can see the entire spectrum and focuses in on the wavelengths that specifically penetrate what he wants to see through. Perhaps projecting those wavelengths with his heatvision, if they aren't to be found ambiently in large enough concentrations, and then seeing their reflections.

"...and as the fledgeling Man of Steel looks for the first time over the skyline of this city, this, Metropolis, he utters the syllables with which history is made and legends are forged: This, looks like a job...for Superman."
Superman Emergency Squad
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« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2006, 05:09:52 PM »

One thing never mentioned, particularly, but his infra-red, infared vision is probably his "natural" eyesight,  Since his race's eyesight evolved under a red sun, the infared spectrum would probably be able to be seen by a Kryptonian on Krypton, but they probably wouldn't be able to see, say, blues and violets. (One wonders what Superman's costume looks like to a Kandorian.) Regular vision is an "extra" ability, as is x-ray vision, under a yellow sun.
   X-rays and infared rays PROJECTING from his eyes is probably a safety valve for the immense energies within him, releasing them safely.---Al

Al Schroeder III, former letterhack (met his wife through Julie Schwartz' lettercolumns) of MINDMISTRESS the superhero genre is mined out? Think there are no new superhero ideas?

Think again.
Last Son of Krypton
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« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2006, 06:08:56 PM »

One wonders what Superman's costume looks like to a Kandorian

I'd say his cape, shorts, boots, and S would probably look blue to them and his pants and shirt, along with his yellows would all look black.

"...and as the fledgeling Man of Steel looks for the first time over the skyline of this city, this, Metropolis, he utters the syllables with which history is made and legends are forged: This, looks like a job...for Superman."
Doug Barr
Supermen of America
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Posts: 46

« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2006, 02:22:38 AM »

Those were 4 of the most imagenative replys I have read, & I like to think that I am like you four, and that it is equally entertaining to create some of our own ideas about this whole "mythos", which has been evolving since 1938, as it is to read it. Most people read the comics, accept them almost as fact ("Superman wouldnt do that,he would never break the superhero treaty of '77"  or whatever) and accept Superman as a one dimensionall character only. You guys took what you have read and added to it, it was great. The originall writers thru the ages sowed the seeds of the 20th centuries greatest myth (just as great as 'the odyssey' was to 500 BC, or whenever, or as the Arthurian legends were to their time)As the stories  in demonstrate, there is still a world of, so-far, un-tapped material to draw from- The great Superman story is yet to be written, & it is easy to believe that whoever will write it visits this site, maybe this fourm. Something about this modern myth inspires the desire to create, & for me, that is whats most wondrefull about Superman.

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