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Author Topic: Is Supergirl the smartest Legionnaire?  (Read 6416 times)
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Council of Wisdom
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« on: March 12, 2006, 02:00:49 AM »

It is arguable that Supergirl may have been the smartest individual in the entire Legion of Super-Heroes.

For one thing, using her superpowers and intelligence, Supergirl created the first Trans-Earth tunnel beneath earth that connected everywhere by direct route through the earth's core; a mass-transit system that was used by Jim Shooter all the way to Levitz, as late as the "Who is Sensor Girl?" arc. Supergirl also invented cancelite, which trapped Durlans in their solid forms and prevented them from shapechanging.

Does this make Supergirl smarter than Brainiac 5?

Yes, I think it does, but it all depends on your definition of what "intelligence" is.

Brainiac 5 was always shown to be knowledgeable but never terribly imaginative in applying said knowledge - it should be noted that his dominant invention was his Force Field belt, which by the way, was actually invented by his ancestor, as well as the Flight Rings, which was, by the way, based on the discovery of Element-152 by Mon-El when he was "Mystery Lad." It also is worth noting that Brainiac's creation Computo, at least in his original form, has the "twelve foot jukebox" look that was ascribed to the computer tyrants of Colu (and further, that after a point, Computo became so advanced that according to Brainiac "he was actually collaborating in his own creation!" Further, while in the Levitz run Brainiac 5 invented a version of cancelite that worked on Imskians, it nonetheless was just a variation on Supergirl's own creation.

Has it ever been stated at any point that Computo was based on the design of the computer tyrants of Colu? Maybe when Curt Swan hears "computers," he draws both a certain idiosyncratic way. However, that doesn't mean a connection couldn't exist based on this similarity.

"Wait, a startling new development, Black Goliath has ripped Stilt-Man's leg off, and appears to be beating him with it!"
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Klar Ken T5477
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« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2006, 04:04:25 AM »

Dont know. Dont care. She might be the sexiest though - after Saturn Girl!   :wink:
Supermanica Council
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« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2006, 05:46:20 AM »

Isn't Superboy smarter than Supergirl?

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Klar Ken T5477
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« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2006, 10:41:08 AM »

Oh better clarrify, Telle - ORIGINAL Superboy not Klone-El.
Supermanica Council
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« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2006, 09:17:47 PM »

I'm pretty sure Klone-el is a figment of the collective unimagination.

Now Superboy One Million....

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Last Son of Krypton
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« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2006, 01:45:24 PM »

The way it was written, yes, Supergirl proved more inventive.

Brainiac 5 seemed more apt at using other's creations for various purposes.  He also seemed to be totally unable to forsee the consequences of his creations, like with Computo.  Knowing the history of the Computer Tyrants, he should have been more careful with Computo.  He wasn't.  And as a result, he was responsible for the destruction of one of Triplicate Girls' three selves.

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« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2006, 07:15:02 PM »

One should keep in mind that during her “Secret Weapon” years Supergirl operated under FAR more restraints than Superboy did.  Until she was adopted by the Danvers, Kara had to maintain her civilian identity at all times, with only one Linda Lee robot to cover for her.  In comparison, Superboy had the active participation of the Kents to provide alibis, plus a small army of Clark Kent and Superboy robots.  More importantly, Superboy operated in the open, while Supergirl had to keep herself hidden from sight WHILE acting as a “Guardian Angel”.  Thus, Kara had to be more innovative and inventive when using her powers.  And for the most part she succeeded spectacularly.

Let’s review Supergirl’s major appearances with the Legion of Superheroes (relying on DarkMark’s invaluable Index at ):

In Action Comics #267, Supergirl passes the Legion membership tests with flying colors, only to be disqualified because red kryptonite (temporarily) turned her into an adult.  She has no problem gaining membership in Action Comics #276.

When fighting the Infinite Monster in Action Comics #285, Supergirl immediately recognizes that the Monster uses a force field similar to Brainiac 5’s, and quickly sends a message to the 30th Century for a miniaturizing ray.  See:

Supergirl defeats both the Positive Man and Negative Man, and joins with Streaky’s descendant Whizzy to rescue the Legion from the Chameleon Man in Action Comics # 287.

In Superman #156, Supergirl exhibits her leadership skills by rallying the Superman Emergency Squad, the Legion, Superman robots and even the Atlanteans (Lori and Jerro’s people) to complete Superman’s unfinished projects before he dies.  She later discovered that Superman’s malady was NOT caused by Virus X.  See:

Satan Girl nearly kills the female Legionnaires in Adventure Comics #313 until Supergirl and the Super-Pets stop her.  Satan Girl’s realization that she can maintain her separate identity after 48 hours by siphoning her red kryptonite radiation into the Legionnaires is a stroke of (evil) genius.

In Adventure Comics #334, even while suffering from red kryptonite amnesia, Kara still recognized the need to conceal her identity and assisted the Legion as “Unknown Boy”.  In appreciation, the Legion erected a statue to the Unknown Legionnaire, "The Greatest Super-Hero of All Time!"  

Supergirl discovered that Amabassador Thora was behind “The Mutiny of the Super-Heroines” in Adventure Comics #368, and stopped her plot.

After learning that one Legionnaire must leave, Supergirl immediately cites her frequent absenteeism as grounds for resigning in Action Comics #387, thus demonstrating her concern for the Legion’s well-being.  (She reconsiders when the Super-Pets beg her to remain, and Superboy leaves instead.)

By Superboy #204 (when we see Brainy’s infamous “Supergirl lovebot”), Karal was more convinced that she cannot continue being a part-time Legionnaire until she settles her life in the 20th Century.  But the semi-retired Legionnaire answered the call and takes on Darkseid in Legion of Super-Heroes #294.  She stays in the 30th Century from Legion of Super-Heroes #300-303 and Legion of Super-Heroes Annual #2 (the Legion anniversary, a battle with the Emerald Empress and the wedding of Princess Projectra and Karate Kid).  But after fighting the Dark Circle in Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #314-315, a somewhat discouraged Supergirl bids farewell to the Legion and the 30th Century for what promised to be the last time.

Though her career with the Legion was spotty (there’s a couple more adventures that were mentioned in passing in other stories but never documented), Supergirl usually had a major contribution.  But except for her fight with Darkseid, it was mainly her intellect rather than Supergirl’s physical powers that proved invaluable.  

That was Kara Zor-El’s TRUE strength – her brain and her heart.  We have yet to see whether the new Kara exhibits the same level of genius AND caring that typified her Pre-Crisis namesake.

Supermanica Council
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« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2006, 09:50:21 AM »

Quote from: "dto"
One should keep in mind that during her “Secret Weapon” years Supergirl operated under FAR more restraints than Superboy did.  Until she was adopted by the Danvers, Kara had to maintain her civilian identity at all times, with only one Linda Lee robot to cover for her.  In comparison, Superboy had the active participation of the Kents to provide alibis, plus a small army of Clark Kent and Superboy robots.

Superboy operated in secret for many years as well, without the guidance or example of an older super-mentor.

Superboy invented the concept of doppelganger robots as well as the technology of the robots themselves, not to mention secret identities.

He also acted as an alibi for Kara on many occasions.

Superboy also discovered time travel and served as the actual inspiration for the Legion, making this discussion possible.

Please do not ask me to list all of his inventions and inventive solutions to problems - Cheesy -suffice to say I imagine that they far exceed in magnitude and inventiveness the acheivments of his protege, Supergirl.  The incidence of his inventiveness while actually in the future might not compare favorably to Kara's, however.

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