Uncle Mxy writes: I know folks who are darn near legally blind who can wear contacts these days, and they'd be encouraged to if they were in the public spotlight as much as Clark is.
Yes, but I've known people with perfect eyesight who wear glasses as a fashion accessory. So it works both ways.
I think the whole thing was more important in the old days than it is now. The one good thing Byrne came up with (yes, those words came from
my keyboard!! :shock: ) was the idea that no one should assume Superman has a secret identity in the first place. When a guy runs around with no mask on, why would you think he had a "secret ID?" And if you're not obsessed about who he "really is," it matters a tiny bit less that Clark looks just like him, only with glasses. Not enough mind you, but a tiny bit.
Plus, it spares us all those stupid stories where Clark has to convince Lois he's not Superman.