an upcoming Silver Age Superman set will include Superman (with robot machineworks behind the s-shield), Lois, Jimmy, Perry, Lex, and Beppo the Super-Monkey.
There will be a recall on the Crisis on Infinite Earths action figures from DC Direct, due to line-wide problems with paints, assembly, and looks. Consumers will be able to return figures they bought as well. The production problems with the CoIE line was pointed to as the cause of the shipping date changes for other DC Direct lines.
Upcoming Infinite Crisis figures will include Power Girl, Alex Luthor, OMAC, and Superboy Prime with his new costume design.
There will also be a line of figures based on Darwyn Cooke’s versions of the characters from DC: New Frontier.
The next Elseworlds series will include a Spectre/Norm McCay two figure set at a single-figure price, in a box designed to match the look of the original Kingdom Come boxes. The subline will also include more Red Son figures and Gotham by Gaslight figures.
The coming JSA line will include four modern JSA member figures, and one classic--the Atom--which will feature two complete figures in one box, one with the hood costume and one with the cowl revealing the lower face.