This very site describes super instinct. "In September 1947, Superman is described as having a super-instinct that alerts him to the fact that someone is watching him." Spidey does this a lot. As for my essay, which anyone moderating will have to excuse due to it's sheer off topicness because this is a Superman board afterall, here it is in its second draft:
Building A Spider-ManBy RedSunOfKrypton
This is an essay I'm writing (or I wrote if you're reading this after I'm finished) about my theories regarding how being bitten by a spider would turn a man into a Spider-Man. Within it you'll find all kinds of my insanity no doubt, and probably will be inspired to ask questions like "Does this guy have a life?". While I do, I just happen to love science and sci-fi and combining the two is just ducky for me. So without further stalling to make this essay seem longer (unless you just wanna sit there for a few minutes and hum the Spidey theme to yourself over and over to get in the mood), here it is.
The BitingThe transgenesis that occured when Peter Parker was bitten by that spider is, well, so improbable that it would probably never happen, even if you used a billion irradiated spiders on a billion skinny white nerds, all you'd end up with is a huge drop in kleenex sales as they'd probably all die. Assuming however that it did work, here is how I surmise it would slap his genetic code into making his powers work in a real world scenario using proven and theoretical science.
Spider StrengthFirstly, his strength. Spider-Man is strong, hella strong. Most official sources cite him as being able to lift 10 tons, although unofficial sources and some demonstrations in the comics have him go as high as 30 on occasion. Now how most people use pseudo science to classify his strength is that he has the proportionate strength of a spider, this is wrong. Spiders (and other arthropods) are all "super" strong proportionately because of the law of cubic proportion, this law is also their undoing if they are ever to become human sized (or bigger, I'm open minded). Y'see when something gets proportionately bigger, it doesn't just get 10 times taller and 10 times wider for example, it also gets 10 times deeper thanks to our living in 3 dimensions. For a good and simple example of this go here: bigger something gets the more its weight outdoes its strength, ergo by the time it got to be as big as a human the spider would be no stronger than a human. Not to mention that spiders have generally simple hydraulic muslces, which would require a total reformatting of Pete's muscle structure that would probably kill him, so that's out. So where do we look to the origins of Spidey's strength? The strength is in the webs.
Spider webbing is a proteinaceous (read: it's made of protein) fibre, some types of which are stronger than steel. Human muscles are also proteinaceous fibres so, if by chance the rewriting of Parker's DNA led to his already present muscle protein structure being rewritten to be more like spider webbing, his puny human muscles could maintain their puniness while gaining the titanic strength of Spider-Man.
Spider SpeedThe next thing we're going to look at is speed. Speed is directly related to the strength of muscle. We can say that in as good a shape as he's in, a powerless Spidey can probably bench a fair bit more than his own 165 lb weight, so let's say he could bench 200 lbs without his powers. This means that his powers make him 100 times stronger. And to quote a friend "Increasing the energy/strength available increases the speed by the square root of that figure." Therefore his powers would only make him 10 times faster. Which given even the average for his physical accuity, puts him at approximately 100mph for short sprints.
Spider ReflexesThe OHTMU cites Spidey as having reflexes 15 times faster than normal folks, Tom Defalco says 40 times in his book Spider-Man: The Ultimate Guide. I've seen both quoted in numerous other sources, but I'll go with 40 times as I think it works best with Spidey and is the most accurate. There are a number of ways to have a higher nerve conduction velocity, more efficient myelination for example, but it seems to me that the most likely explanation, as pointed out to me, is that his sheer energy reserves make this possible. Spider-Man's physiological efficiency was enhanced many fold, it surmises that the enhancement would go down to metabolic intracellular processes. This would make him at least 40 times faster with regards to his reflexes.
Spider AgilityAgility is not so much an attribute as it is a combination of attributes, many of which Spider-Man has at vast levels. His super strength and speed allow him to do the movements necessary. The fact that his "web based" tissues would have much higher elasticity despite their strength would give him amazing flexibility. His super human reflexes would help him adapt to any changing environment with vast rapidity. They would also allow him to find equilibrium almost instantly in any given situation. This enhanced nervous efficiency could also probably be applied to his cerebellum, allowing him super human co-ordination and aiding his balance. Also an increase in proprioreceptors and an increase in their sensitivity would aid his co-ordination and balance even moreso. All these things combined would give our hero Spider Agility.
Spider ToughnessSpider-Man's a tough guy. He'd haveta be to withstand the force of his own strength. Fortunately the his web like tissues are very tough too, especially when they're woven into the meshes of the human body. This would give him a great deal of shock absorbing capability and general resilience.
Enhanced HealthThe sheer hardiness and efficiency of Spider-Man's body explains his enhanced health, he tends to heal really fast (though not as fast as Wolverine), and he's seemingly resilient to poison and disease. His aging seems slightly retarded as well, as in the MC2 universe, even after he's passed middle age he's still able to fight crime and websling, although he's officially retired from it.
WallcrawlingSpider-Man sticks to stuff, it's one of his staples. Spiders stick by using tiny hairs on their feet, except they can't stick to smooth surfaces. Geckos stick using much tinier hairs and they can stick to smooth surfaces with huge ammounts of force, recent advances using carbon nanotubes have increased gecko sticky force by 200 fold. I think Spidey's stickiness works combining these 2 principles. In the movie, Spider-Man sticks to things using retractable hairs on his hands and feet, I propose the same thing, only that the hairs retract hydraulically in a similar manner to how spider legs work. Now the ends of these retractable setae could be covered with the spatulas that gecko setae are covered in and allow Spidey to stick to anything with vast force. This could be done along the carbon nanotube lines to allow even greater adhesiveness.
Spider SenseHere's the fun part, and the part that actually inspired me to write this whole thing: Spidey sense, with scientific theories to back it up. "No brainer" you say, "It's psionic". Now I like psionics, I think it's a cool concept, but I don't like using it to explain the science of my favorite superheroes, especially when it's not needed. With that said, the secrets of spidey sense lie within 3 factors, Electo/Magnetoreception, extreme sensitivity to atmospheric vibrations, and super fast reflexes.
Recently scientists are working on a sensor that uses ambient energy to see through objects, this principle is the mainstay for how I propose spider sense works. Suppose Parker's entire dermis acted as one of these sensors, almost like omni-directional x-ray vision. Now this would be too much info for the normal human conciousness to process, so you leave it to the subconcious to do the work and only alert the concious mind to things of importance.
Spider-Man can't be snuck up on because of the omni-directional "sight" of his sense, it always alerts him which direction danger comes from.
Weapons (Guns, knives, brass knuckles etc.) have their own distinct reflective signatures from ambiant energy due to their shapes and compositions, so spider sense would pick them up within range and warn Spidey, whether they were hidden or not.
Research also shows that everyone has their own unique biochemically generated electromagnetic aura; if the subconcious used spider sense to see the EM aura of a super villain in costume and remembered it, and then happened to see the same aura surrounding a civillian, it would warn Spidey that the civvie was the villain out of costume. Most likely by giving him a bad feeling about that person. This also allows Parker to spot people (villains) in disguise. It also allows him to sense people in hiding.
Spider sense also acts as radar due to its omni-directional nature, allowing Spider-Man to sense his surroundings even when he's blinded or in total darkness, because there's always some form of radiation present.
Spider sense warns Spidey if he's about to step on a creaky floorboard when he's trying to be quiet. This works because his subconcious knows he doesn't want to make noise and is scanning for any way he might, this includes sensing if the structural integrity of the board he's about to step on isn't as sound as the one he just quietly stepped on.
Spidey knows when he's being watched too, so he doesn't accidently change in front of someone he doesn't want to know his secret. With spider sense constantly "x-ray viewing" in all directions, it knows when he's being looked at because it can see the looker and warns him accordingly. This same reason is how he knows he's being aimed at with a weapon, his sense is literally "looking down the barrel".
Combining its sensitivity and penetrating abilities, with the subconcious mind's problem solving skills it can sense and show him the way out of any mazes he might find himself in.
When disarming a bomb, his subconcious using his spider sense scans the entire design of the bomb, including which wires current is flowing through and using Parker's affinity for science, figures out which wires to cut, then alerts him accordingly.
Its omni x-raying abilities also warn him of what he would consider a potential danger even on the other side of a wall or door.
Dr. Doom was once able to send Peter a message over his spider sense, no doubt broadcasting on a frequency his spidey sense would "see" and then his subconcious would let him hear knowing that is what he wanted conciously.
This also explains his spider tracers, he has them emit a frequency he knows will draw the attention of his spider sense.
It's highly likely that astral projections cause disturbances in surounding EM fields and deep down Spidey would want to know if he was being looked at by someone astrally so his sense alerts him when Dr. Strange drops by.
Spider-Man once sensed the Young God Calculus while Calculus was hiding in a phase shift invisibility field, no doubt because of the slight EM distortions the field created.
Spidey sense once allowed him to read a faint text imprint that was too faint to see normally, probably because even faded ink is still visible in spectra outside visible light, this is how archaeologists read old faded documents that have long since faded.
When moving through an area, residue of your unique EM field is no doubt left behind briefly, this could be how Spidey tracked Kraven through Central Park.
His spider sense is also able to alert him to the hostile attitudes of people due to the changes in EM aura that occur with changes in emotional states.
A supreme dermal sensitivity to vibrations would only aid the EM aspect, allowing movement to be felt from quite a distance. This combined with his ultrafast reflexes kicking in instinctively, makes his spider sense possible without hailing psionics.
Organic WebbingThis I put in for the sake of completedness as comic Spidey now has organic webshooters. Sphincter like sacks that produce the web fluid could form on Spider-Man's wrists. The super strong sphincter muscles could propel the fluid at high speeds. I imagine the fluid comes out very tiny, but somehow absorbs a lot of air causing it to expand to the size and lengths we see and it uses that "oxydizing" effect to increase its strength (possibly by causing the "long chain polymer knitting" the comics claim). That way, he could have "a lot of it" without really having to produce a lot of it. It also could be that the compound uses carbon out of airborn carbon dioxide to knit itself into webs, this would allow for vast strength as someone once pointed out to me. As to the dissolving of the webs after a half hour or so, it could be that the compound continues to absorb elements from the air after forming, and eventually gets to the point of super saturation and keeps absorbing till it crumbles, all in a process that takes about a half hour.
SummaryWell there you have it, my essay on the science of Spider-Man. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Additional Credits and InspirationsCaptainKal
Also, not because I don't believe you, I'm just wondering, when did Spider-Sense predict the future? I was sure I had all its feats covered.