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Author Topic: Your Superman Dream-Team?  (Read 22691 times)
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Uncle Mxy
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« Reply #24 on: September 18, 2005, 02:42:24 PM »

Quote from: "JulianPerez"
I'd love to see villains based on real people.

Scott Baio, for example. Most people say HAPPY DAYS jumped the shark when Fonzie...well, Jumped the Shark. But I knew it was when Chachi bobbed in with his . At that moment, deep down, I realized what a true sociopath Scott Baio is. Can you imagine the cover of such an issue, with Chachi planting his foot on Superman's neck, his eyes aglee with manical fire, and his hand smashing a globe, with an electric bubble near his mout that reads:

"Soon, I'll be Charles in Charge...of THE WORLD! BWA-hahahaha!"

He's not serious enough to pull it off.  Observe:

And besides, Scott Baio is a Marvel character, landlord to Kraven's son in the "Get Kraven" miniseries.  For there to be a crossover story with him, we'd have to find some sort of equivalent malevolence in the DC universe -- perhaps Zan the waterboy from the Wonder Twins.
Supermen of America
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« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2005, 05:31:40 AM »

Writer: Kurt Busiek, Grant Morrison, Elliot S! Maggin, Darwyn Cooke, Steve Gerber, possibly Mark Waid

I won't say Alan Moore because Moore really has said all he has to say about Superman through SUPREME.

Artist: Steve Rude, Cameron Stewart
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« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2005, 01:27:52 AM »

For both art and writing, I'll have to nominate Matt Wagner (author of Grendel and Mage: The Hero Discovered/Unleashed) for his work on Batman-Superman-Wonder Woman Trinity.

Now this is a man who understands just not the characters of those three heroes, but also their iconic status, which he handles wonderfully.  His understanding of how to write and draw Superman is especially great; Wagner's Superman is just what Superman should be, in all aspects.
Uncle Mxy
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« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2005, 09:04:29 PM »

Quote from: "lonewolf23k"
For both art and writing, I'll have to nominate Matt Wagner

This came very close to happening:
“Initially, the conventional wisdom was that I should do something with Superman,” Wagner said. “But it was Dan Didio who finally suggested that, with the new movie coming out next summer; perhaps Batman would be a better choice. Of course, everyone immediately saw the sense in trying to tap into the enhanced PR that would automatically bring and, of course I'd already swam in the Gotham waters many times over the years so it was all familiar territory at this point. And, let's face it, I love Batman.”
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« Reply #28 on: September 24, 2005, 01:08:42 AM »

Quote from: "Uncle Mxy"
Quote from: "lonewolf23k"
For both art and writing, I'll have to nominate Matt Wagner

This came very close to happening:
“Initially, the conventional wisdom was that I should do something with Superman,” Wagner said. “But it was Dan Didio who finally suggested that, with the new movie coming out next summer; perhaps Batman would be a better choice. Of course, everyone immediately saw the sense in trying to tap into the enhanced PR that would automatically bring and, of course I'd already swam in the Gotham waters many times over the years so it was all familiar territory at this point. And, let's face it, I love Batman.”

...And once again, I have a reason to utterly dispise Dan Didio...
Last Son of Krypton
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« Reply #29 on: September 24, 2005, 11:42:29 PM »

How would Asa Ezaak/Momentous being based on Isaac Asimov disqualify Dr. Asimov from writing Superman stories?  Also he wrote more than just robot stories.  What about his "Foundation" series?

John Martin, citizen of the omniverse.
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« Reply #30 on: September 25, 2005, 03:50:31 AM »

Tried posting this earlier in the week --computer foul-ups.

I agree with many here about the art side of things: Allred, Rude, Cooke, etc, --the modern heirs to the clear-line, silver-age art style.

In short, just about anyone featured in the World's Funnest.

I think Gilbert and Jaime Hernandez would do a great Legion of Superheroes.  Jaime's Legion girl illos for the 80s "DC Who's Who" were gorgeous.

Writers: I really can't think of anyone outside of Alan Moore who I would enjoy on a regular superhero comic --it's been awhile for me.  A bad comic with good art is redeemable to me, less so a good story with bad art.  Since the art in comics carries so much of the story, ipso facto "good art" mostly equals "good story" for me.  Otherwise, read a book.

Plotting: Ed Brubaker?
Humour: Dorkin/Dyer
Editing: Maggin didn't get the job back in the 70s because he seems to be too nice, too honourable.  Hard to find the combination of obnoxious personality (very common) with aesthetic sense (very rare).  I'm too attached to the Weisinger era, I guess.

Children's sci-fi writers currently working who would be good on Superman?  I'm thinking of Binder and Hamilton heirs here.

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King Krypton
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« Reply #31 on: September 28, 2005, 01:02:06 AM »

Writer - Matt Wagner
Penciller - the Kubert Brothers (they both want it badly)
Inker - Randy Emberlin (best inker the Spider-Man books ever had)

Get Liquid! or another top-rate coloring house in the biz to do the color work, and you'd be set.

My first novella, Wounds of the Heart (, has been published. Check it out, if you like.
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