I've been looking around this great website again for the first time in a long time. I re-read the article about
The Bronze Age Superman and it still bugs me where it says that by the end of the Sand-Superman Saga, Superman's power had been reduced by a third.
I never mastered Calculus, but I can see this doesn't add up.
On page 7 of "The Ultimate Battle," the Sand-Superman is walloped by the war-demon quarrmer, and he thinks: "It's too powerful! It possesses at least two-thirds of Superman's strength -- while I have only the remaining third!"
On page 14 of the story, the war-demon has broken into the hospital and grabbed Superman. Upon physical contact, there is a power-drain from the war-demon into Superman. By the last panel of this page, Superman is thinking, "We're absolute equals..."
This means that the three characters -- Superman, the sand-creature, and the war-demon -- now each possess one third of Superman's power.
On page 16 Superman and the sand-creature have driven the war-demon to the dimensional gateway, and its spirit returns to Quarrm, leaving the war-demon body behind as an inanimate shell.
Right. Either:
(A) The spirit of the war-demon left our dimension with its third of Superman's power, or the power was released and merely dissipated into the environment, leaving Superman and the sand-creature with a third each; or
(B) The spirit of the war-demon, during departure, allowed its third of Superman's power to be drained back into Superman and the sand-creature, ie. half went to Superman and half went to the sand-creature...
Either way, as the Man of Steel confronts the Sand-Superman after the war-demon's departure, they each possess an equal amount of super-power.
By page 22, the sand-creature is returning to Quarrm with his share of Superman's original power. If (A), Superman is left with one third of his original power, which means he has lost
two thirds of his power. If (B), and the war-demon's strength drained into Superman and the sand-creature, the Sand-Superman took with him half of Superman's original power, meaning Superman has lost
half of his power.
There is no way Superman's power has been reduced by one third, as stated by the article.