Hi, JulianPerez!
One possible correction: personally I think Supergirl was mainly "ditzy" during her abomninable first solo run (only ten issues, but sadly it did lasting damage to her character). This was slightly after the time period we're dealing with. Perhaps had Supergirl been a hit with the Teen Titans she might have been spared such treatment. Kara could be a competent organizer in her own right, and she'd definitely make a fine second-in-command.
Interesting point about Supergirl's characterization; I do recall there was a definite BEFORE/AFTER concerning that series; Supergirl was always shown as competent and resourceful, and if she was given a situation, like for example, a team role, she would certainly rise to the occasion. "Ditzy" was a poor choice of words on my part. I *meant* to say "sweet and hero-worshipping."
I was also thinking about Aqualad as a possible Kara boyfriend. Certainly there was precedence for dating an underwater guy -- Jerro the Mer-Boy was a frequent supporting character in Action Comics. She still had feelings toward him and Dick Malverne about the time we're discussing, so it certainly would have complicated her romantic life. How would poor Jerro take it if Kara suddenly dropped him for Aquaboy? (Though Lori Lemaris' little sister Lenora would be secretly delighted, as she had a crush on Jerro.) And if Supergirl dated Robin (it was inferred in Superman Family #200 that a future Superwoman in the year 2000 would have such a relationship), what would happen to longtime "steady" Dick Malverne?
Wow, when you put it like that, Supergirl sure got around, huh? "Aww, who wouldn't wuv you, princess?"
The more interesting (and sad) characterization would be poor Comet the Super-Horse. People chuckle, but I always thought there was something tragic about how at the end of most of the appearances of Bronco Bill at the end there was usually a panel of Supergirl, her arms around Comet's neck, thinking something like "I wonder if I'll ever see him again..." and Comet thinking "If only I were human...I could let her know how I really feel."
If Comet had legitimate competition for Supergirl as opposed to a few casual boyfriends, Comet would have reacted emotionally; Comet generally responds to situations with emotions instead of thinking things through (witness his "Get him, fellas!" charge in "Revolt of the Super-Pets," Adventure Comics #364, 1968). He probably would have left Supergirl (and possibly Earth) behind, thinking something to the effect of "Garth's an okay guy - Supergirl deserves her! *choke* Imagine that - a hoofed thing like me with her! It's so funny! Why aren't I laughing?"
Finally, as to Wonder Girl. I was thinking there would be a certain overlapping of powers if we had BOTH Supergirl and Wonder Girl. Considering that Wonder Girl was added as a more-or-less obligatory "token female", I'm not sure DC would have had two girls in the Teen Titans.
You make a good point about their powers overlapping. Though I don't think Donna Troy would leave the group because of it; actually, if anything, the likelyhood if her staying in the group would improve because there's another girl there for her to talk to (even one as square as Supergirl; but granted, it's hard to imagine *anybody* disliking Supergirl). I think it was Virginia Woolf who said that one sure way to know if female characters are three-dimensional or simply male fantasy projections is, "do the female characters form friendships with one another?"
(Good point also about DC's choices for a more or less obligatory female member too - but it might be better to view this in terms of DC continuity and history instead of real world considerations.)
However, all these issues would not have precluded Supergirl from making occasional "guest visits" with the Teen Titans. While the Teen Titans didn't take on many cases requiring Supergirl's powers, she could have conveniently "turned up" if things got too out of hand. Preventing Kara from becoming an overused "deus ex machina" would then become a concern, though.
That's a really great idea - Kara as secret weapon. It prevents her from making a monkey out of Titans scenarios but allows her to be introduced into group dynamic. And we'd get some great interaction:
SPEEDY: "Thanks for the save, doll! You're sure groovy and gear - for a terminal square, that is!"
SUPERGIRL: "Great Antares! *gasp* No need for that kind of language, Roy!"