Jimmy Olsen Fan Club
Posts: 2
« on: June 05, 2005, 11:14:53 PM » |
Hey all,
This is my first post, so I hope I don't mistakenly do something wrong. What I am trying to locate is a trade an old friend of mine had a long time ago. What follows will contain spoilers, as I guess I need to indicate parts of the story in order to spark some recognition, but first I will put all the non spoiler info i can remember:
It seemed to be a bunch of short stories, though the general trend was a breakdown of Supermans life. The art was all black and white, and the cover was a silhouetted superman with perhaps gold lettering, or something small in gold (maybe the S?) on it. APpearances by the Swamp Thing, Bizzaro, Toy Master, Mongol, batman, robin, wonder woman, perry white, elastic lad, etc ... lotta things.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPOILERS !!!!!!!!!!!
Swamp thing story had superman get a disease from some meteorite, or something. He kept hallucinating about a jungle back on krypton
Mongol/batman/wonder-woman crossover had mongol send some parasitic plant to superman, and he kept having nightmares of an alternate life on krypton where his family was falling apart.
rest of the stories I think dealt with all his enemies attacking him, his family and friends... even bizzaro came to earth and said that for him to be hte perfect opposite of superman he had to kill people, and be dead himself. In the end, superman takes some ppl to his fortress and has a final fight with everyone (elastic boy/lad and some supergirl type girl die, so does his dog, luthor and some others) and it is revealed that MXYZPTLK is the one behind everything. In the end, superman is forced to kill him, and then as penance exposes himself to kryptonite and walks out into the cold by himself.
It was really great stuff, I felt... but I can't seem to find it when i look for superman trades online. If anyone can help, that would be great!
Thanks in advance,