Look at this cover:

It's the new Superman Italian Guide, printed yesterday.
It features...
- Superman's complete history until 2003.
- Authors' bios.
- Characters' bios.
- An interview with John Byrne.
- Complete history of Italian editions.
And I'm its author.
It's a great moment to me, so I hope that this topic isn't a problem for you (someone could consider it a commercial advertisement).
In Italy Superman is regularly published since 1954, but there aren't so many guides for readers, so I'm very proud of my work!
(Note: Actually, this is a wrong cover: the real title is "65 anni pił veloci di un proiettile", not "pił veloce"; it means "65 years faster than a speeding bullet". Obviously, the book has been printed with the right cover!).
(2nd note: the Italian publisher of DC Comics, Play PRess Publishing, is now presenting the stories released in 2003, so I decided to conclude the part about Superman's history with SUPERMAN 200 or Italian readers could find too many spoilers).