Well, not to bring the spectre of Post-Crisis continuity into the discussion, but in the pre-reboot Legion and Valor titles it was presumed that Lar Gand help to seed certain distant worlds with survivors of the alien Dominators genetic tampering during the Invasion! crisis, thus paving the way for the contemporary planets and cultures of the 30th century legion. Thus, Valor/Lar Gand became a messianic figure, his Valor identity a deity to many people, so much so he had to take the martian term for Wanderer, M'onel. Yeah, yeah it's hokey post-crisis revisionism, but the essential premise isn't entirely unsound. It'd explain all those human-esque species out there as of the 30th century. Of course, how that factors in Rann and Thanagar is beyond me but hey, it's a start.