Sure he's a character, but that isn't the issue. Supey and (especially) Bats have well-defined powers and limitations. The LT doesn't. I can make lists of definite things that Superman can and can't do. Can you do the same for the LT?
In the Nineties, especially in the JLA series, Batman WAS more of an plot device then a actual character. The same goes for his abilities.
Let's get to the star of this board, shall we? :wink:
Superman's powers - PRE-Crisis - allways seemed to rise to whatever level any given crisis would demand.
For instance, Kal-El once uttered a "Super-Scream", which altered the molecular structure of the ground of the "Superboy Plaanet", effectively transfomed one substance into another, on a molecular level! Usually, you need Firestorm, Element Lad or an GL Ring to do anything like that.
Or how about the many times projected his voice via Super Ventriloquism (gah, was THAT the right way to spell this word?? This word is even harder to spell then "scientist) even across the gulf of outer space, to be "heard" only by exactly those Supes choose to do so, thusly effectively mimicing telepathy?
And those were but 2 examples.
How about the time Supes
OBLITERATED an entire, distant
solar system with a mere random sneeze?? And if that happens when he sneezes, imagine what would happen if he really gets mad, and REALLY excerts his power?
Sorry, but I'd wager the Tribunal would LOSE to Kaal-El 9/10-- but only as long as Supes doesn't suffer from his many limitations, especially that magic vul.