another thread, TELLE writes:
Awhile back (like, 1996) I started taking notes after I read or re-read any post-64 Superman family title, with the idea of updating the encyclopedia. I would suggest that users of this site do the same and submit the results to Rao --an open-source-style project to rival the Wikipedia. As has been noted, none of the Superboy, Supergirl, Legion, Lois or Jimmy material was covered in the original edition. We could overpower the post-Crisis world-view through sheer quantity of information available!
Any thoughts, Great Rao?
TELLE, keep those notes!
How many people would be interested in participating in something like this? I assume that once it got underway, it would take off - so to speak - much like Wikipedia, imdb, etc. all did.
I'm also assuming that we'd start with the material in
The Great Superman Book, maybe flush it out with material from the titles that Fleisher missed - like
Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, etc. So the question becomes: Just which titles? I don't want this to be an entire DCU encylopedia, just Superman related. So who and what should it cover?
Time period: Action 1 (1938) up until - when? Just before the Byrne MOS reboot? Or up until Crisis? Do we need to figure out just what the cut-off point is, or can we be more subjectively judgmental as to what's canonical and what isn't during that final year?
(note: discussion on this question has been split off into a new thread.)If enough poeple express an interest in possibly participating in this possible project, I can look into setting up mediawiki -- that big dynamic database based multi-user updated thing that Wikipedia, Wiktionary, etc. all use.