Superman Fan
Posts: 13
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2003, 09:53:22 PM » |
Oops. Right, I can't believe I forgot to add the never kill option on the poll. Anyone know how to edit the blasted thing?
Anyhow, back to discussion. Yeah, I have to agree on the SWAT example, putting Superman there instead. Actually, my view was, yeah, you should always try to find some other way. However, still on the SWAT issue, from what i hear, it's sometimes possible for them to shoot the guns out of their hands. However, this is so risky that, for the sake of the hostages, they go for headshots instead. And, yes, I am pretty sure even hardened snipers sometimes have sleepless nights, and need reassurance they did the right thing. My question obviously isn't whether he should kill non-threats when there are obviously other better solutions for him. I mean like, if he's powerless from kryptonite, but there's a gun right next to him, should he shoot someone? Or, say, against enemies that have even more power than he does?
In mongul's case, we were dealing with someone who killed every day of his life. And who enjoyed it. And showed no remorse after being defeated, in fact more driven to slaughter than ever. Still... I guess there is SOME truth in the "future possible crimes" thing, but...
nightwing, you say America has no interest in ruling the world? heh heh... patriotic, aren't you? The truth is, America is too smart to want to actually conquer the world and have to be responsible for everything... no. America uses it's Economic and military power to get it's way, and get richer. Check out foreign trade policies sometime... America is an economic bully on an international scale. Military power, America makes the most fuss when smaller nations, even non-hostile ones, start researching new weaponry, or even old weaponry, like nuclear and poison gas and bio weapons. But you can bet your tax dollars are being spent on lots of the above, America just don't allow smaller nations to do it. So...
As for the wiping out of planets and living with himself, that's my point exactly. To Superman, it's not about the result of his actions, it's his own peace of mind. If he had killed Mongul with his bare hands, he would have the memories plague him for the rest of his life. As it is, he more or less has forgotten the fact that mongul killing millions had anything to do with him. Or ignores the connection on purpose. "See, it has nothing to do with Superme, I'm still pure!"
On the other hand, I have to disagree with lastkryptonianhere. I don't like the idea of killing used as a punishment. I see it more as a regretable action, but one that will prevent worse things in the future. I don't think Superman chose death by kryptonite because they deserved it, it was more because they pointed out to him that they WOULD somehow find a way to escape whatever jail or thing he put them in, and would destroy everything. Simply put, he didn't kill out of revenge or emotion or whatever, he killed cause he had NO CHOICE. This is what I'm trying to point out here. No matter how powerful you are, sometimes there's not that many options open to you.
As for terrorism... hmm, personally, I don't think killing terrorists is much of a deterrent in some cases. I mean, they're suicide bombers, they plan to go out in gory painful deaths. I really don't think that lethal injections are worse, but what do I know, I'm not a terrorist. Now, torturing them, that might inflict more than what they're willing to deal with, but I have to say that I REALLY don't approve of torture for any reason.
As for "bloodying the bullies nose"... hmmm... I don't think killing is EVER comparable to bloodying someone's nose, and shouldn't be the way to "teach someone a lesson". BUT, on the merits of JUST bloodying someone's nose... sometimes, yeah, just punching the school bully in the nose is more effective than all the "counselling" or "making friends" you can manage. Though if it works, the two latter solutions are far superior, of course. Unless making friends just means you get two bullies instead of one...
hmm, yeah, so someone tell me how to modify this forum, 'kay? Thanks.