The Ages of Comic Book History:
The final comic-book era of the late 20th century was given a variety of names during its occurrence - "The Modern Age",
"The Mylar Age", "The Dark Ages", etc.
The term "Iron
Age" was a very appropriate choice. It continued the
tradition of naming the historical comic-book eras after the metallic
ages of Greek mythology. According to those myths, the events that took place
in superhero comic-book history from the 1930's to the end of the century match the description of these same
Greek ages:
1 - The Golden Age:
"This first age was an age of innocence and
happiness. Truth and right prevailed."
2 - The Silver Age:
"Inferior to the Golden, but better than that of
3 - The Bronze Age:
"More savage of temper, and readier to the strife
of arms, yet not altogether wicked."
4 - The Iron Age:
"The hardest and worst age. Crime burst in like a
flood; modesty, truth, and honor fled. In their places came fraud and
cunning, violence, and the wicked love of gain. Brothers,
sisters, husbands and wives could not trust one another. Sons wished
their fathers dead that they might come to the inheritence; family
love lay prostrate."
(above quotes taken from Bullfinch's Mythology - more info.)
The ancient Grecian Iron Age ended when the Gods destroyed most of mankind by a torrential deluge and flood.
The next age...
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