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Author Topic: Bush already stealing election again  (Read 4218 times)
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The Starchild
Last Son of Krypton
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« on: July 12, 2004, 06:50:36 PM »

I usually stay away from political debates, but I just had to chime in on today's news.  I used to be a Bush supporter (especially on 9/12/2001, when we were all uniting together after 9/11) but I am now getting very scared.

It seems the Bush administration is now running a campaign based on fear: fear of terrorism, fear of Iraq, fear of John Kerry, fear of everything, really.  Where's the hope for a better tomorrow?  All they're pitching is more war and more fear.

I was very surprised that after Kerry picked Edwards as his running mate, all that the Bush campaign could come up with as a response was to announce an "unspeficied terror alert."  That's not hope - that's fear.

Worse yet, the unspeficied alleged possible terrorist act is supposed to occur during the election.  I view this as highly unlikely, it seems to me that Bin Laden would want Bush to stay in power, since the mess in Iraq is resulting in massive amounts of people uniting against the U.S. and joining Al Queda.

And now the newly created "U.S. Election Assistance Commission" is stating that they want to actually postpone the election because of this unspecified threat.  Doublespeak if I ever heard it, shouldn't the "Election Assitance Commision" be trying to figure out how to guarantee that a fair election occurs (ie, avoiding a repeat of Florida), not how to cancel the election?

It's clear that this "threat" was created by the administarion as an excuse to actually postpone a United States election, because Bush now sees defeat as a very real possibility.  It's inconceivable to me that this could actually be happening in the U.S.  When a ruler has to stoop to cancelling an election in order to stay in power, we can be sure that there is something very wrong.  I wouldn't be surprised if Bush ends up declaring martial law at some point.

Maybe it's time to call in the United Nations in order to ensure a fair election.

"I just wish that you could all see the Earth the way that I see it - because when you really look at it, it's just one world."
- Superman, Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Superman Emergency Squad
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« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2004, 01:55:25 AM »

It SEEMS that the Bush admnistration is NOW running a campaing based on fear!? He is, he has for a very long time now. I don't like Bush, I always thought he stole the victory from Gore, but hey I moved on. Still, a campaing running on fear, apealing to what people think COULD happen is smart, and I see nothing wrong with it.

Obviously lying is bad, but aren't we talking about politics? If we are not, then I apologize.

About the United States Election Assistance Commission, this is interesting but it doesn't make sense, since the Bush campaign is still spending a lot of money in the media. Especially appealing to the Hispanic community. (yay!) Sure, you could argue that if we compare expenditures of the Kerry and Bush campaigns well, Kerry is spending much more, but that could be explained due to the fact that Bush is the incumbent. He gets a lot of air time in general, without having to pay for it.

Anyway, I also wanted to point out that Bush may have some other sort of trick up his sleeve. I for one promised (to myself and to my girlfriend [she's more liberal than me though]) that if Bush were to produce Osama soon before the election, then I would vote for him (even if Clark [who was MY numero uno before] was running against him.)
Last Son of Krypton
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« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2004, 07:20:08 AM »

Quote from: "Tiberious"
Anyway, I also wanted to point out that Bush may have some other sort of trick up his sleeve.

My father in law thinks that late this summer and going into the fall until election time we will start to see oil prices fall wayyyyyyyy down - thus giving people a reason to vote with their pocket book/wallet.  

Personally I am not sure but I would like to see them fall and slowly they are coming down.

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« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2004, 03:33:58 AM »

Though it would be good (well duh!) to see oil prices fall, the problem with that is its a temporary reward. Oil prices may fall but soon enough once the election has passed they may sky rocket once more. Not sure how Americans would react to that kind of incentive, on the other hand a more permanent reward I think would be a bigger incentive. Pulling troops from Iraq after Kerry accepts how he doesn't intend to pull out would be a good strategy. If the economy wasn't this f'ed up, a rebate like the one given a few years back to tax payers (SOME tax payers) would be something nice (though Bush probably doesn't have acess to this one.)
Also, like I said before, having a big discovery/capture of anything related to the war on terrorism could also be very helpful to the republican campaign.
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