The vision statement of the Super Family has been known to us for a long time: " There is a RIGHT and a WRONG in the Universe; and it is USUALLY not hard to tell the difference "
The poet Kalil Gibran mused " the North Wind hath made our clothing." Nudity tabus are NOT universal, either. If we say these things, we admit that our mutual perceptions of morality has its ultimate root in Nature - both our human nautre and our natural experiences.
Or alternately, we say that God, or some "Higher Force" speaks the same relatively clear message to all of us - a fact which is easily demonstrated by the many religions of Earth as obviously false. Although I personally choose to believe in a Supreme Being - in much the same sense of argument that Albert Einstein used - I believe because it comforts me, and because it is not completly illogical - not because it *is* logical. It is not. And, for those to whom we all know it will soon matter, I am not bi nor gay; I am divorced, and I am, in fact, a flaming heterosexual.
We have to first pause first to note that gay marriages have a fine and long tradition in the cultures of human history, (as does nudity, weather permitting,) there being specificly gay marriage blessing rituals in the Roman Catholic cannon, and legalized gay unions recognized between warriors of the Roman Legions. I could go on, but this point has been hacked to death, and I expect this audience is the better educated one.
We next observe that homosexual behaviour manifests in ALL creatures of the Animal Kingdom. Each species has a robust, charactaristic statistic for this kind of behaviour in the most benevolent and peaceful natural environments. Any farmer can tell you this and more.
Among the few animals, like Humans, who tend to mate for life, we also observe homosexual matings for life. I direct you to the exposition of Dr. Conrad Lorez " On Agression " for reference to this. His chapters on life-long gay relations between geese is particularly amusing, at points. You can almost imagine the silly quackers smoking a ciggarette together, after some of their not-for-the-children fortes. :shock:
So we see on reflection that gay marriages clearly have moral standing in both human history, and in the Laws of Mother Nature. If we turn to a "higher source" than Her, then we are stuck asking why God hates so much the rules of the very Nature He ever so parthenogeneticly gave birth to! What kind of Father Figure is this? Could this God perhaps use some counseling for the issues He has with His Creation? I wonder if Dr. Wirtham can take Him as a client? :wink:
I think we *ALL* will agree that when *MOST* people appeal to a "Higher Source" for morality, they are simply saying "My values are Higher than your values ... to me!" But most of us don't know how to analyze or argue our morality, prefering yelling and screaming, war, politics and soundbytes instead, in hopes of getting our way. Most of us wouldn't know how to adopt a real scientific FACT about these issues if it sound-bit us on the leg.
Of course, this only affects (depending on your sources) around two percent of the World Population. It's just not as big an institution as Heterosexual marriage is, and simplicity seems to suggest it's best handled in a state of parity, where the Scales of Justice remain blind to the difference. Homosexual partners adopt or breed and raise children. For all practical purposes there IS no difference between the two institutes - except the difference of gender, itself!
Arguing to legally recognize Homosexual marriages may not be an important step forward, depending on your values - but at least it recognizes the Elephant that's been standing in our mutal living room for the last 2,000 years of discrimiation and xenophobia.
Arguing to ban Homosexual marriages, on the other hand, strikes me as making about as much sense as the US State of Indiana, which, just over a generation ago, now, came within a few votes of legislating that the value of Pi, normally found by experience to be 3.141 ... etc, should be, inside the state's boundaries, equal to the integer value of three - which was given to them by no less of a higher source than the Bible, itself!
So, should we make a law to enshrine the fact that we are ignoring the elephant in our living room by legislating a decision that it STILL does not exist? ... let's continue the talk about the elephant until we can decide where he intends to sit, shall we?
You just have to ask yourself: " WWRD " -- What would Rao Do?
Hee, hee!
May the Gods preserve The Craft,
And may The Craft preserve the Gods!
-- A Witch's Book of Shadows