What a great ad!
I don't totally hate this costume, but neither do I agree with what you say... I think the belt is nessecary. If it was just one shade of blue all the way down, it would look pretty awkward. I don't know if I liked it on Supreme either. It's a little high on this drawing, but I do like that they kept the belt.
Obviously, I agree that Superman's action-suit should be skintight. Armour has no place on a man whose skin is harder than solid steel.
Ultimately, I can live with this design. I only hope
The Man of Steel doesn't put Big Blue in a rubber Tim Burton Batman version of this outfit. That would be awful, especially because Superman needs to have a full range of movement- the kind that can only be granted by an invincible Kryptonian fabric surrounded by an armourlike Tactile Telekinetic field. Or alternately, tights.