I added a four-page excerpt from the 2-part story originally printed in
Superman/Batman #79 and #80. As far as I can tell, this is the first mention of "
Miracle Monday" since
Superman #400 back in 1984:
https://www.supermanthroughtheages.com/tales5/epoch/?page=1THERE ARE
SPOILERS - this excerpt is actually from near the end of the story, I only include it on the site because of the Miracle Monday mention.
Short version (with spoilers): time-travelling villain briefly encounters Kent Shakespeare and other Superman-related heroes during the 31st century Miracle Monday celebrations - in one quick panel on the
third page.
I really enjoyed these two issues of
Superman/Batman, they include the Superman and Batman from
DC One Million; and what appear to be the
Superman and Batman of the original Earth-1. Lotta fun and an excellent writer.