I watched the first two seasons, maybe three (can't remember) and I think you did miss something.
It was young and fresh and energetic, and it was about Superman.
I thought it was really good. When I was watching it, I liked the portrayals of Pa Kent and Lex Luthor in particular. These guys were great! At that time, if I remember rightly, there was still a building sense of tragedy that the Lex-Clark friendship was going wrong, and I was fascinated. Very watchable.
It's a truism that the second season of any show is probably the best, and it's in decline through the third... Anything good after that is a bonus but don't expect much.
Nightwing, one day get out the first two seasons on DVD. Maybe the first three.
It's over now?
Wow, ten seasons and I avoided watching all but two episodes, and those way back in Season 1 and neither all the way through. This has to rank as my most-ignored version of media Superman ever, and it doesn't sound like I missed much.
What I want to know is what the "Superman Homepage" is going to do for content now that twice-daily "Smallville" posts are no longer an option.